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About BigEyeGuy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. BigEyeGuy

    I've killed a lot of people

    Hey Hoffies buddy! you crack me up, I love that prank thread you started yesterday Can you do lunch at Zelnogorsk tomorrow?
  2. BigEyeGuy

    Green mountain...

    Been there a few times, got up the ladder once, sunndenly saw a fucking bandit, immediatly shot him. he was stocking up vehicle gear to repair a non existing vehicle. Other time i found a truck with no wheels that had like 60 grenades in it, i stocked up on grenades as much as i could and they came in handy in a 2vs1 fire fight later on
  3. Got to 10 murders and 3 bandit kills and when looting the last bandit kill someone came in and shot me, should have known that big firefight will attract attention
  4. BigEyeGuy

    My character us unkillable.

    I got you babe
  5. BigEyeGuy

    Agree or Disagree? Why we kill...

    The way I see it, if i see someone today and let him go, just cause i'm nice. he's going to go on get good gear get bored then stalk and kill me down the line. I try to keep my turf in my server nice and clean.
  6. BigEyeGuy

    How NOT to be a NOOB DayZ

    Hey RhinoCrunch, I enjoy your content a lot! i love the Axe firestation massacre video
  7. BigEyeGuy

    Dayz - Grand Massacre

    pretty awesome video!
  8. I hear ya buddy, I seen a couple of servers where elektro's fire station were just packed with shit just so other people would be stuck outside
  9. BigEyeGuy

    The Life Expectancy guessing thread

    Ok we have a winner for the 1.7.1 update life expectancy change (not spot on but he came closest) its: ImaffoI who guessed 28 which was the closest to 31. Anyone have guesses for the first week of the 1.7.2 update? here's the change log: Changelog: * [FIXED] Infected hear perfectly through objects (noise reduced by 50% through an object) * [FIXED] Animal bodies despawn way too fast (now despawn automatically after 2 minutes) * [FIXED] Corrupted update data causes people to spawn in debug forest (now will not save corrupted position data) * [FIXED] States where animal might stop walking around (now should walk around more) * [FIXED] Animal AI routines consuming large amounts of FPS (now in line with Infected AI routines, reduced FPS usage) * [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking) * [FIXED] Error reports are almost invisible (has now been fixed) * [FIXED] Daylight calculations causing slight FPS issue * [NEW] Visibility now smoothly alters based on sun, moon, cloud, rain, and fog state * [NEW] Aubility now dampened in rain and increased by fog * [FIXED] Object cleanup causing significant (huge) performance issue on servers (reduced by up to 50%, means more players + zombies possible) I would actually say that by next monday the expectancy will plateau and then drop by 1 by next monday (a week after the patch) so my guess is 30 Anybody else wants to take a chance?
  10. BigEyeGuy

    The Life Expectancy guessing thread

    By this Sunday? no way!
  11. BigEyeGuy

    The Life Expectancy guessing thread

    Its already friday and were down to only 31 (last sunday was 33 counting sunday to sunday) we did have a lot of changes though in the last week, and I realize that the changes did not changes AVG life expectancy that much. I think we underestimated the counting out of insta-deaths So far ImaffoI and Logan20 were closest at 28 minutes, i don't see it getting below that Maybe all the people logging in the weekend will bring it down, who knows! stay tuned
  12. On topic... I encountered someone, and my heartbeat went up, I ended up shooting him to spare the world from this "asshole" when I got the kill it went under the murder count and not the bandit kills, so just to let you guys know in case you didn't Heartbeat racing not equal bandit
  13. My experience with dell (makes Alienware computers too) was not good I had an XPS for gaming which worked like shit and died real quick so far i have a Macbook Pro 2009 and i game on bootcamp, working pretty well for me.
  14. Thanks, i think its pretty much a given and would probably be done one day by the DayZ team. The great thing about it is that after all your hard work on the character you would at least have something to show for it and have a look and remember details you forgotten, as well as sharing it with others!
  15. Yeah, that would diffently add a voyueresqe aspect to it :) reading someone most inner thoughts, but works well with the general idea.