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Everything posted by Antjenks

  1. Most of the suggestions for reducing KoS wont work because they focus on wither punishing death, punishing killing or just making the game harder. The long and short of it is this, Gear is more valuable than life currently. His gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him for it. My gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him to protect it. Until someones life is worth more, things will stay the same. Making the game harder wont change the relative value of life and gear, adding things that encourage co-operation (Not punish being solo, there's a difference) will help tip the balance. I don't want KoS gone altogether, I don't want bandits gone. They add something to the game you just can't get elsewhere. But seeing reasons to co-operate and more players co-operating is something I do want to see.
  2. This is one of the issues that's been addressed. If you make survival harder, you make gear harder to obtain and keep hold of. Which pushes the relative value of gear up and makes people more likely to kill in order to steal or protect gear.
  3. You're misunderstanding the point here. It's not to avoid being killed, it's to encourage people to play with each other, instead of blasting someone in the face the second the spot them.
  4. Try to avoid forcing players to do something. So "Safe-zones" and not allowing players to shoot people are something to avoid. Telling someone they can't do something "Because we said so" isn't good. Saying "You can only carry that much because that's what's fit in your backpack" is reasonable. However maybe the idea of tools to make jobs more efficient with limited toolspace may be an idea. A medic carrying the appropriate tools could be faster at giving treatment than someone without those tools, making them valuable if you need patching up, The right toolbox would allow faster vehicle repair and refueling. If there's any kind of base building/Fortification you could have tools appropriate to those and for crafting. Everyone would be capable without them, but those with them would be better/faster, more efficient. Of course someone could feasibly carry alternate kits in their backpack, but then they're sacrificing inventory space for the flexibility. Space that could have been used for supplies, building materials or ammunition/weapons.
  5. I was agreeing with you actually xD
  6. This is why I'm advocating finding a solution that isn't "Make zombies harder, make it harder to survive" As I understand, Origins has clan strongholds and an NPC city with great loot. Both which require a group to succeed? While I'm not saying these must be added they do illustrate ways to improve co-operation without just ramping the difficulty of the game or punishing people for not being co-operative.
  7. I want to see what people think, I hadn't intended for this to be a suggestion thread but if any good ideas pop up here, maybe they can be refined and posted in the suggestions forum later on. The tricky thing about encouraging co-operative play, is you want to encourage and not force it. Make it so you -have- to work together and people will resent it. I don't have any good suggestions myself right now, but I want to see people on the right track. Though if anyone disagrees with my reasoning they should feel free to post and explain why =)
  8. Sorry I wasn't clear, yes I'm saying people are approaching it wrong. The key issue is the value of someones gear vs the value of their life.
  9. This looks freaking sweet, can't wait for you to finish ^.^
  10. Antjenks

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 for Wez and FTC for another excellent trade =)
  11. Received very quick and friendly help from Jazz today ^.^
  12. Antjenks

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Good to hear, give me a shout when you're sorted ^.^
  13. I enjoy both Day and Night time in Day Z. What frustrates me is when I join a server that's night according to Dayz Commander and it's full daylight.
  14. Antjenks

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Damn, seems you guys are getting targeted a lot D: I don't have much, but let me know if I can help you at all.
  15. Antjenks

    Traders and Traitors List

    And with my 15th post I can finally give Wez his +1 for an excellent trade a while back.
  16. Antjenks

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    I'm after a M4A1CCO SD still, an M9SD and ammo as well.
  17. Healed by Marion Mic, +1. Very helpful, thanks a lot mate. ^.^
  18. Antjenks

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    I have a DMR, G36A CAMO and G17 to trade. PM me to discuss it please ^.^
  19. A: Your in-game name: Antony B: Your condition/ailments: Infection C: Your location: Just outside Khelm, SE side D: A general description of your character: Ghille, DMR
  20. Antjenks

    DayZ Mercenary for hire!

    Regardless though, he's asking for payment, and equipment. It was my understanding a mercenary armed himself. Lol, that's both scary and hilarious.
  21. Antjenks

    DayZ Mercenary for hire!

    Are you serious when you say we can place hits for real cash? xD
  22. Antjenks

    DayZ Mercenary for hire!

    I was under the impression that trading in-game services/goods for anything real was against the rules, am I mistaken?
  23. Antjenks

    Viral Zeds need to be easy to indentify.

    Thanks for the pic, it really helps clear up the difference ^.^
  24. Got a highly amusing Bloodbag from Se7en and his friends, thanks guys =D
  25. Antjenks

    Where was I and What Happened?

    Good read, Don't believe it, but good read xD