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Everything posted by Diwwah

  1. From personal experiences and reports from our clan: - Tents that are flattened are not saved and revert to earlier states - Tents that are emptied but not saved revert to earlier states - Tents that are emptied and saved may or may not revert to earlier states - Tents that are picked up reappear Tents need to save every time they are manipulated.
  2. Can't we just have the tents disabled and wiped until they're fixed? It's like there's nobody on the server at this point who hasn't got NVG, L85AWS etc. etc. Doesn't matter if you kill them over and over again, they just hike through a few dupe-tents and they're fully geared up again.
  3. How would I go about verifying the server-side version?
  4. Tents are still reverting to earlier states and duping items as of
  5. Tents are still reverting to earlier states. Duping continues normally.
  6. Diwwah

    Pending Update: Build

    Time often gets desynced on servers. I remember it being 17:00 at one moment, then server reboot and suddenly it's 21:00 as it was supposed to be according to server description.
  7. Diwwah

    Pending Update: Build

    How about a full tent/vehicle wipe after the tents are fixed? Save me the time running through all the servers leveling all tents and shooting up all the vehicles I can find. :P
  8. Diwwah

    WTF Is the point now?

    I think this is a major issue. You basically need a video from a player showing someone exploiting, logs from the server host, and then send them over to the DayZ team, at which point the exploiter may or may not receive a mere warning for being a first-time offender. Everything has to go perfectly for someone to get caught and unless it's a blatant script or hack, they walk away with a warning. Good luck having the planets align correctly for them to ever get caught gain.
  9. Diwwah

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I completely agree. Full tent/vehicle wipe and either fix the issue promptly or disable tents/vehicles until it is fixed.
  10. Diwwah

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    "Better remove those duped item tent stores"- Ander It's NOT POSSIBLE to remove the dupe-tents. They just reappear on the next server boot with gear intact even if you flatten them or empty them out.
  11. Diwwah

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Tent duping is way out of hand and I don't think you can blame players for it when the servers are chock full of these tents and there's no way of knowing whether the gear you're picking up is duped or not. You can't even get rid of your tents that dupe, believe me, I've driven over some tent camps 5+ times and they always just come back after server boots with all gear intact. The ball is in the developers' court for this one.
  12. Please disable tents and vehicle containers until duping is resolved. Wiping all the stuff currently in containers would only be good for the game, with all the tents spitting out top-end gear non-stop.
  13. Diwwah

    Tents not saving inventory and dissapearing

    And that is the real problem. Loot disappearing is no biggie. Infinite top-tier loot is a huge problem.
  14. Currently nearly all tents and vehicles seem to revert to their earlier saved states on server boots, allowing for rampant duping and greatly inflating the value of all gear. I suggest wiping all tents and vehicles and disabling them until the duping has been addressed.
  15. Please for the love of everything that is dear, fix the duping issue. There's no more excitement in the game when there's nothing to gain by looting or killing players, and nothing to lose by dying. You can just get all the best-in-slot items back from tents that respawn their gear every server reboot.
  16. Duping currently happens unintentionally all the time when people use tents or vehicle storage as intended. We have duped without even knowing it was possible and we keep duping without intending to. Even if we throw all our stuff out of the tents and flatten them with vehicles, they'll be back safe and sound with all the loot after the next server reboot. Duping happens. You can't help it. Even the dupers can't.
  17. We're constantly raiding camps that keep respawning on server boots and we don't get to keep any of the gear because it all disappears from our vehicles on server boots. We also know the location of a tent that keeps respawning an L85 AWS so we can basically pick one up whenever someone dies.
  18. My friend placed two tents on different servers and they both were cleaned up after server reboots. They had loads of "junk" items too that nobody would or could really take along. We also stole a truck from a camp after loading it up with all the good stuff the camp had and some stuff we found at a heli crash. While moving the truck to another location the server rebooted. We rejoined after the boot and the truck had reset to the same inventory it had prior to us adding items into it.
  19. Please post your findings on bullet penetrability in common PvP locations around Chernarus. It seems as if the airfield tower top floor windows are not penetrable. Same seems to be the case with barrack windows. Anyone got data on military tents with their mesh windows? Sometimes the bullets don't even seem to pass the doorway on those tents. Any other relevant locations come to mind?
  20. Diwwah

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I think this is priority nr.1 at this point. The game is very playable, the bugs are not game-breaking. The vast majority DCing at the first sign of danger is for anyone who plays the game for PvP.
  21. Diwwah

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The new zombie attack animation is a massive clip-a-rama when the zombie walks into the player and back out all the time.
  22. The loot is spread around the chopper, not inside it.
  23. First of all I'm not entirely sure how this works currently. This might already be in place, but it doesn't seem to be. I think there should be a tolerance time for zombie detection. People often end up inadvertently standing up, maybe taking a couple of running steps, hit louder terrain which you'd certainly notice in real life but not necessarily in game etc. Zombies seem to instantly react to this and it makes the game seem a little random. I propose a small tolerance until zombies detect a noisy or visible player. Just one or two seconds to eliminate some accidents due to the character standing up on it's own, or time to react to changing terrain.