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Everything posted by Gdaddy22

  1. Gdaddy22

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    I snipe at the NEAF too as soon as I get mosin with long range scope. It's the only thing left that's fun in the game. I've played as a stupid KoSer that runs across cities and shoots everyone, I've also played as a friendly guy and I was helping everyone I saw, I've helped so many people. I've done everything I could in the game and it just got boring. What does "helping people" mean if there's no survival? You can't help people because there is nothing you can help them with. "Not shooting" them isn't really considered helping, it's just not shooting them. And if you don't shoot them and let them go then what are they gonna do? Kill on sight or also don't shoot people. But if they don't shoot a guy they meet then what is that guy gonna do? (the circle goes forever) But why don't shoot people? What reward do you get from not shooting people? And how is it fun? If you would let everyone go and not shoot anybody then it would be just an online chat game where you meet people, talk with them, then let them go, instead of hardcore zombie survival. Also killing people gives you no reward either. Why shoot people when you already have the best gear and loads of ammunition? Maybe because they're a potential threat? But if they're a threat then why don't you just stay deep in the forest with no people around and survive from collecting food and water from little villages? And if you don't have the best gear and you kill people to get it then when you get the best gear then it's the same thing (why shoot people then?)
  2. Gdaddy22

    Everything, gone.

    Not a big loss, you can gear up in another 5 minutes again
  3. Gdaddy22

    IT'S ALPHA! (Game dev cycles)

    Also Alpha is so that developers can improve the game and fix things. It's annyoing when people point out the game's flaws or what should be changed and people respond HURR DURR IT'S ALPHA GRAVEYARD PLS. The people creating those threads are doing good job. They remind us and developers what is there to change. If no one creates any threads about what sucks in the game then the developers can't fix it because they don't always see it from a gamer's perspective and the game could suck indeed. Before you yell IT'S ALPHA learn the difference between stupid threads and threads that point out the game's flaws or weak points
  4. Gdaddy22

    Boot Camp DLC

    I don't like this idea, players should practice their skills in game, if they want to practice shooting, then they have to find a gun in game and find a target to practice on
  5. Gdaddy22

    "Safe" zones

  6. Gdaddy22

    Now I am getting angry...

    That's what alpha is, the devs can make it the shittiest shit ever but you have no right to complain since before you bought it you knew that "Yes, I understand that this is alpha and it could be shit for some period of time, and I want to buy it" (unless you didn't read 9999 alpha reminders)
  7. Right now there is no survival in the game, and when they add tents it will get even worse
  8. Gdaddy22

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Please add something to the topic or stop posting pointless statements, I know you know it's alpha but you don't know what alpha is. Alpha is so that people can find the game's flaws and fix them, and suggest new things. So any threads with new ideas or complainings about something in the game are right because they keep us with the knowledge that there are flaws that we need to fix OP - I agree with you 100% and I've been aware of this problem since 2012 when I started playing the mod. I wish the developers would add more survival to the game instead of adding new items. Dayz - Survival game with one gun would be 5x more interesting for me than DayZ - deatmatch with 1000 guns
  9. Gdaddy22

    The worst ideas for Dayz

  10. Gdaddy22

    What do you use?

    HAHA I do the exact same thing, I thought i was the only one
  11. Gdaddy22

    Base Building Ideas

    I would love it if dayz made it to the point where we have to barricade ourselves to protect ourselves from dangerous zombies more than from humans
  12. Gdaddy22

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Yay and fuck at the same time - yay for new engine, fuck for 5x more waiting
  13. Gdaddy22

    More motivation to stay alive

    Tents/Camps wouldn't make more activation to stay alive, they would even make people care less if they die, since they can just respawn and run to their base to regear
  14. Gdaddy22

    To the guy at NWAF...

    another thread...
  15. Gdaddy22

    More motivation to stay alive

    That's why this game will have a huge problem and will suck just like the mod If not skills/ranks then come up with something different, because what we have right now doesn't work
  16. Gdaddy22

    Creating gear independent character value

    Yes, Anyone who says "no" is a Rust or H1Z1 spy whose task is to kill DayZ from inside
  17. Gdaddy22

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Lol, the game looks even more glitchy and laggy than DayZ
  18. Gdaddy22

    Remove In-game Player List

    Yes. Seeing how many players are there on the server is cheating and pussy move
  19. Gdaddy22


  20. Gdaddy22


    I guess you go on their website and talk to their support, read all the info there. And If you didn't do anything wrong at all they might unban you, but if you did something they will always know
  21. Gdaddy22

    What Broke You?

    And what did you expect ? There should be PvP and survival in DayZ, but since there is no survival there is only PvP
  22. Gdaddy22


    You have to talk to BattleEye
  23. Gdaddy22

    campaign mode

  24. Gdaddy22

    Dayz SA gameplay - I'm not afraid - must see!

    Nice video shit music
  25. Gdaddy22

    Kids with guns...don't forget the safety switch

    This is all cool but the only problem is - crappy engine. It would require LOTS of work to do that but I believe it is possible