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Everything posted by Gdaddy22

  1. Gdaddy22

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    YES ! We should add it. It's a good idea and all the people who say no just don't want the game to get better...
  2. Gdaddy22

    Go to the forest of trees

    I will keep this thread away from dying until it's added to the game
  3. Although many people consider this game a large-map battlefield, with zombies just as a background like trees or grass, It's supposed to be a hard zombie survival. The main thing in DayZ that makes it DayZ is looting and searching for items in towns etc. The best way to loot is to loot the biggest cities like Elektro/Cherno etc. But since it's supposed to be a hard game, it should be hard to loot big cities. I'm not only talking about increasing the amount of zombies so that there is no space to breathe, I'm talking about mechanics and features that would make us plan how are we going to loot a city, where do we go first, what places to avoid, what places could be safe etc, instead of just running through the middle of the city YOLO style and picking up all the loot while fapping and not paying attention to the game. So here are some ideas: I know you've heard this 1000 times but I need to say it again in order to start my essay: first off - increase the amount of zombies and make them stronger, faster, more powerful, so that when they spot you - you know you're screwed and you have to run. Next idea comes from game The Walking Dead (episode 4 when they're in Savannah) Noises - Since we're talking about increased amount of zombies, especially in big cities, we shouldn't be able just to run past them like we do now. Since the places where we could possibly find some useful items are surrounded by hordes of zombies. what we can do is we can make a loud noise, for example find a bell tower and pull the bell rope, so the bell rings and the noise spreads across the city and at that moment zombies head towards the source of the sound. Then it's our time to loot, since most of the zombies went to check the bell. They would stay there under the bell for some time and then they would come back, so we have limited time to loot as much as possible and escape. It doesn't only have to be bell, it could be many different ways to attract zombies into one place, like fireworks, a horn, a loud music playing from the radio, etc. Next idea - killing zombies. It shouldn't be as ridiculously easy as it is right now. When we shoot one zombie, our shot should be heard all across the city and it should attract all hungry zombies to that spot. If we got in trouble, and we don't want to die, we can run. But before we enter a city we should plan our looting trip, so that when we got in trouble and we have to run, we know few places where it's easier to get away from zombies, like sewers, buildings with multiple exits etc. Next thing - the looting itself. We shouldn't know where things are. Like - now, we all know that in that building right there, there is gonna be a gun. In that one, there is gonna be a backpack, etc. It should be more random, so we actually have to explore the city looking for things. I know it's all hard to put in the game, but I think 2 years should be ok. TL;DR - Make looting harder
  4. Gdaddy22

    Tactical looting + other mechanics

    guys focus on the topic pls
  5. Gdaddy22

    Gameplay vs Realism

    realism =/= lack of gameplay fun gameplay fun =/= lack of realism we can have a realistic game that has a fun gameplay
  6. Gdaddy22

    Tactical looting + other mechanics

    That doesn't mean anything, if big towns get you killed, then how are you going to loot them ? It should be very hard, but still possible. Getting all zombies running towards you in the city and shooting them with m4 until the whole city is clean or even eliminating a huge horde of zombies with a fireaxe doesn't sound realistic nor smart Also looting big cities = good loot, it's something for people that know how to survive in a big city, not for apocalyptic noobs - you put leffort and you try hard - you get good loot. (by "good loot" i didn't mean AS50 but food, medicine, tools etc. (I still hope the devs will make all supplies harder to find and people will have to hunt, fish, gather etc))
  7. Gdaddy22

    Global objectives that would give a purpose in surviving

    No npcs but I like the idea of global objectives, I've been playing the mod on a private hive server where they added random global objectives and I felt like this is what the game needs
  8. Gdaddy22

    Snipers / Ghillie Suits

    But it is call of duty with some extra survival things added no matter if with sniper rifles or without
  9. Gdaddy22

    The "Zombie Threat"

    What's bad in Dayz atm is that this game's difficulty level is far below easy. Other people are a big threat but it's not enough for the game, and often people play on low pop servers where they don't meet any players. It's like - you are playing on a 1/40 server - you win the game, you can't die, go ahead and do everything you want. There should always be a threat in the game even when there is no other people on the server
  10. Gdaddy22

    Ideas for next patch build / 0.40.*

    There is no point in adding hunting to the game when we have this crazy food spawning rate, no one will waste their time trying to hunt an animal while they can just run to a house and fill their bp with tons of food till it's full
  11. Gdaddy22

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Will fix KoS or won't it doesnt matter, it's still a must have. Ammo should be very EXTREMLY rare, otherwise the whole idea of a hardcore survival will be a lie
  12. Gdaddy22

    LLJK Police Patrolled Server

    This server is filled with bandits that roam coast from elektro to berezino killing freshspawns, but i don't mind since I'm hardly ever at the coast
  13. Gdaddy22

    Direction of development: rocket & co. please read!

    From my understanding the devs want to first add things to the game, and then fix bugs. Why ? Because if you first fix bugs, then you have to add new things to the game. But when you add new things to the game, you get new bugs.
  14. I can't change it from ETA to stable in steam options, also my DayZ looks like this in my library
  15. Gdaddy22

    I can't play the stable version

    Nvm, I solved the problem, somehow my DayZ process was still running even tho I closed the game
  16. Gdaddy22

    Add Skills to the game

    I like the idea of skills except for weapons skills such as aiming or recoil, it's bad
  17. Gdaddy22

    Server Hosting Without Paying Or Singleplayer/Lan

    So your idea is to make the game easier ?
  18. Gdaddy22

    Dynamic Zombie Ratio

    Why reducing the numbers of zombie or increasing it depending on the server's population if we can just keep the number of zombies the same - VERY HIGH so no matter how many players are there there will always be shitloads of zombies
  19. Gdaddy22

    Dead for good.

  20. Gdaddy22

    New loot locations

    What we have right now is predictable loot system. Items spawn HERE, HERE, and HERE, when we enter a bulding we know that items will spawn in THIS point right there. Loot should spawn in random places all the time. We should even find some loot just on the ground/streets etc (mainly trash loot but some useful items too). It would make looting more interesting because people would have to actually search for items all around the city, instead of knowing where all the items spawn and just go there.
  21. Gdaddy22

    Loot temples (irradiated zones)

    You say it's not about getting better and better gear yet this is what DayZ is about right now. "Surviving" is just going to a random house and picking up pipsi and beans and avoiding other players, people don't care about their lives, they care about their gear.
  22. Gdaddy22

    Sleeping suggestion

    I like this idea
  23. Gdaddy22


    I only want skills that everyone can learn like medical skills, crafting skills, repairing skills etc. but no classes and no weapon skills