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Everything posted by Gdaddy22

  1. Gdaddy22

    Spawn Spots

    Yeah especially spawning by Balota/Elektro/Cherno/Berezino is forcing us to run a bit
  2. Gdaddy22


    Good, I want it to be harder to find a player, map should be bigger and there should be more ways to play the game other than going to Elektro/Cherno/Balota/NWAF.
  3. Gdaddy22

    What maps would you want in the Standalone?

    U.S Based ? Hell NO, I love Chernarus. Why would anyone change it ? And why would anyone think the devs will completely remove actual map and start creating new one, which would take maybe another year ?
  4. Gdaddy22

    What maps would you want in the Standalone?

    What do you mean by new maps ? Completely replace the actual map or add the new area to the game ?
  5. Gdaddy22

    Real zombie style, isn't it? My suggestions are here.

    This isn't the official version yet, devs can change the story if they want to. If we're talking about getting infected and slowly turning into a zombie, if this is ever gonna happen I wanna be able to chop off my arm to get rid of the infection before it reaches the rest of the body.
  6. Gdaddy22

    Bandits are BORING!

    People kill other people on sight and put them in the risk because they have nothing to lose, - I die, I can get the best gear again in 20 minutes, make this game much harder FFS
  7. Gdaddy22

    Settling Down - Bases

    If we will be able to lock or craft doors, I will create my base in one of the apartments, on 4-5th floor
  8. Gdaddy22

    Only if this were true (DayZ Sounds)

    Just give me your address I'm sending a cargo plane filled with beans
  9. Gdaddy22

    new building types

    I would love to see more apartment buildings, when there is basebuilding, I'm going to make my base in one of the apartments, so it would be hard for other people to even find it because there will be like 200 apartment buildings with 30 apartments in each.
  10. Hi, I just wanted you to answer these questions, I'd just like to compare people's views on the game with my views and see if people agree on certain things.
  11. Gdaddy22

    I won DayZ PvE....Now what?

    This game needs something that would allow us to keep improving our character/base forever. Improve, improve, improve make it better, always keep on improving. Not only by finding items in houses, but modifying items, creating your own items, improving your items/buildings/, anything that will always let you make it better.
  12. Gdaddy22

    Adding Random Encounters?

    Meteor Shower- HELL YES. Other ideas-no
  13. Make house food rare, make people hunt or gather food from the forest, then we could trade things for rare beans
  14. Gdaddy22

    A few Suggestions

    I love the idea of controlling little towns and building your own safezone, but there is one problem, people can go to a town, log out, log in on a different server and spawn inside your barricaded town.
  15. Gdaddy22

    Loot at military bases

    In my opinion, it's way too easy to get a military loot in a military base. Military base spawns the best loot in the game, so it should be also difficult. What I mean by that is we should add more zombies in a military base, and most zombies would be infected soldiers or guards with bulletproof vests still on their bodies, so we would have to aim at their head, There should be so many zombies that it would be impossible to loot military base with an axe or baseball bat, we would need a weapon and it would be recommended to teamwork with somebody. Thoughts ?
  16. Gdaddy22

    You Didn't Fix Spawns You Made Them Worse....

    So ? I just spawned at Solnichy, I ran to Berezino, I found mosin with ammo, I ran all the way to Stary Sobor, I got some more gear and now I'm on my way to Zelenogorsk. You want to spawn on top of m4 ? too lazy to go somewhere else ?
  17. Gdaddy22

    My huge mistake

    You are so gay, you server hop and then you combat log, you should uninstall dayz and install it again when there is log-out timer added
  18. Gdaddy22

    Elecktro Trade Stop

    I can help you guys making this safe, I have mosin with long range scope so I can secure the area. But how will the marketplace work ? Are you gonna set up the marketplace in one of the buildings ? And is it going to be a marketplace just for the guys from this forum or for everyone ? This is a good idea for the future, when there will be added many more items to trade
  19. Gdaddy22

    Get Rid of Zombie "Slowdown" Period

    I want to see both slow and fast zombies. Really ? You keep saying that it's a realistic game but in real life do ALL people run with the EXACTLY same speed all the time, or are some people faster or slower than other people ? If Usain Bolt was infected would he run with the same speed as a 70 yo grandma ?
  20. Gdaddy22

    Street Sign Need English Name and Why

    This, after playing a while, I know every single coast town in Russian, I never have to look at map and try to translate
  21. Gdaddy22

    Putting a hit on bandits / kill on sighters

    The only good way to do something with KoS is to make weapons and ammo extremly rare so people won't kill freshspawns because they will get 0 items from them, and they will waste ammo they've been looking for for some time. People would have to think if the person they are aiming at is worth wasting bullets. This would also help the robbing system, more people would let the guy go after they handcuffed him and robbed him, because they took items they wanted, and they wouldn't want to waste a bullet just to kill him for fun at the end.
  22. Gdaddy22

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Yeah, because 15 seconds are going to kill you irl. 5 seconds timer will be totally useless