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Everything posted by Gdaddy22

  1. Gdaddy22

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    The title of this thread is good but the rest is meh We do need to add more value to player's life. We alsho should reduce the KoS mentality because it's very unrealistic. (inb4 BUT DURING A REAL ZOMBI APOKALYPSE I WOULD SHOOT EVERYONE HURRR). But we have to reduce it so people don't stop KoS because they're afraid of some punishment like jail, sanity or other stupid things. Player shouldn't kill other player on sight because they don't want to becasue it will be risky and bad for him (noise that attracts people and zombies, lose of rare bullets (considering that devs will make bullets more rare)). I don't see how bounty system will work, you can just change your name and avoid the bounty. But since we speak about bounties, I wouldn't like any rewards for killing a player with a bounty on his head like beans, ammo etc, just something like a bounty hunter reputation or a title, rank etc, some kind of a ranking
  2. Gdaddy22

    19 suggestions and an extra.

    Most of them are in the game/will be in the game No to the truly friendly servers And coins for vending machines ? Yeah, because If i see a vending machine with food and water in it I would be like "Oh damn, too bad I don't have a coin" instead of breaking inside
  3. Gdaddy22

    Fishing & farming

    It's THIS thread again Ok, so once again It takes about 3 weeks to 6 months for a regular plant to grow. DayZ is a real-time game with 24hours night/day cycle etc. If you want to keep it this way you would have to sit there for months waiting for your plant to grow, unless we create fake plants that grow in 4-5 hours
  4. Gdaddy22

    Bases, Base Value, Groups and More! Read to find out! :)

    Your idea has many flaws but In my opinion we really need something like guilds or bases
  5. Gdaddy22

    It's Alpha

    I won't add a new suggestion here. I will talk abot suggestions. All I wanted to say is that this game is early alpha. And what are alphas for ? To test. That means the developers can add EVERYTHING they want, even if 80% people on the forum don't like it. Right now people are discussing over ideas that haven't even been added to the game, and they somehow already know they don't like it. Since it's alpha, we should add most crazy ideas to the game, let them be there for like a week, and then make our opinions whether we like it or not, then remove them or keep it in the game. If someone spams the forum with posts like "OMG NO NEVER IT RUINS THE GAME NO WTF" - then we say "IT'S ALPHA" and all the things are added there to be tested, they are not going to be in the final game (or they are if they are good). So what I am saying in this thread is that the devs should add everything to the game, even if it sounds crazy. (all the forum ideas - skills, humanity, skill books, everything out there).More "bad" things we add to the game the better it is for us because we can learn hot to improve things or what not to do. (ofc without the "retarded" ideas, but the ideas that make some sense but they weren't accepted by the dayz community).Other point is that we have now many great ideas but people don't like it because they "somehow feel" they don't like it, but if they played the game with this thing added in, they would love it. I'm not saying devs should hurry up and add lots of things to the game, I don't care if it takes 2 years, It's just my advice to make the final game better once we tested every possible thing that can be added to the game.
  6. Gdaddy22

    It's Alpha

    Ok I didn't say we should add every single idea from the forum or at least I didn't mean to say that, I wanted to say that devs should be less afraid of adding things to the game because it's ok when something they add is bad, that's why there is alpha, to see if it's bad or not
  7. Thanks for help. they fixed my leg and then we played for a while together, it was fun.
  8. Gdaddy22

    Skill books

    Right now I'm for anything that would add something new to the game making it harder
  9. Gdaddy22

    Trading with other players

    Good idea
  10. Gdaddy22

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Why people use word "dieing" IT'S DYING
  11. Gdaddy22

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    No more combat loggers :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  12. Gdaddy22

    Number Of Players

    I set up a poll to see your opinions. I'm not 100% sure if this is a good idea. This idea will fix the problem where people would only look for a 1/40 server so they can loot everything they want without the risk of getting killed and once they are full geared they go to a 39/40 server and have an huge advantage over the other people. When people are palying on a 1/40 server, they don't care about getting killed, there is no threat at all, but when they're on a full server they will play carefully and watch every bush. People should ALWAYS play carefully, check every bush, there should always be the risk, you shouldn't be able to see how many other people are there on the map, in my opinion it kind of ruins the idea of the hardcore gameplay. To make it work better, we would have to decrease the amount of servers (right now there's way too many, at least in the U.S)
  13. Gdaddy22

    A Zombie Type That Could Shoot?

    I'm the last post b4 graveyard, I win
  14. Gdaddy22


    It takes 7-80 days for an average plant to grow, and if this game has real-time system, I can't see how this is gonna work, unless you want to sit there for months and wait for a plant to grow.
  15. M4 should be in the game, but it should be very rare and it should be hard to get it, finding m4 took me 10 minutes after spawning, plus 90% of people server hop which makes it even easier
  16. Gdaddy22

    *THIS* is why I KOS.

    I would rather trust an armed guy with payday mask than a freshspawn with a green shirt
  17. Gdaddy22

    Total Kill/Death Count

    Players killed - no Days survived - yes
  18. Gdaddy22

    How to downlaod and play

    Last post b4 graveyard wins !!!
  19. Gdaddy22

    Day and Night Circle

    I love playing at night, I would only play on night time server but I can't because they're all 1/40 and it's not fun, I hope someone will come up with idea that will make people also play on night time server (private hive is one solutions)
  20. You have to click on your name in the bottom left corner
  21. I can't find it in the log, what changed in 557 ?
  22. But what's the difference between items spawning randomly in houses and items spawning randomly in crashed helis ?
  23. What I love abot this is that we have no server hoppers, since nobody will quit just to switch to a different server because they won't be able to log in again.