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Everything posted by Gdaddy22

  2. Good, I hope you will enjoy wasting your $29.99 only to get a game where you only want to shoot some people. I recommend you Counter-strike 1.6, it's only $4 on steam and It gives you what you want in dayz
  3. If you want lots of PvP, go play Call of Duty or ARMA 2
  4. The problem of easy and boring zombie chases is still there. What you are sayin is - "the zombies are crap, but just ignore it and don't trigger them and leave this issue be there forever"
  5. What if zombies weren't slowed in the buildings. Then they would be a real fukken threat. For me it looks unrealistic that zeds are slowed down in the building which makes them easy targets if only we have a wrench or other crap weapon. To escape zombies we would have to shut doors behind us etc
  6. this game is about surviving, not collecting as much gear as you can and then doing deathmach and most probably dying. Death in this game means nothing, it' only about the items which is bad
  7. I always say this is a good idea but most people say it's a realistic game and your shooting skills should only depend on your actual skills with keyboard and mouse, not in-game bonuses. IMO it's a perfect idea for adding value to player's life
  8. Gdaddy22

    Feedback of an ArmA Veteran and DayZ N00b

    That's the feature of most MMO games, if you know you have to go somewhere you don't okay because you don't know what's gonna happen. Happened to me alot, I had to go but I still had to finish boss with my party, I didn't to with my gf to the movie theater xD
  9. Gdaddy22

    Feedback of an ArmA Veteran and DayZ N00b

    I really like that it is hard to find loot Are you kidding me ? It's retardly easy to find best gear in the game in 30 minutes, we need to fix that
  10. No ? Lee enfield isn't that OP, and it's less OP than m4 that everyone can get in 15 secs after spawning
  11. Gdaddy22

    Weapon and Ammunition Rarity (Discussion)

    Lol at all people who want ammo to spawn eveywhere in shitload amounts. Please get out
  12. more civil weapons less M4, less ammo
  13. Gdaddy22

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    New items, clothes and just more items won't solve the problem for long. We also need something in the gameplay
  14. Gdaddy22

    How to not be killed on sight

    If you say that we all should shoow each other on sight, then what's the point of bloodbags ? If we can't even bloodbag anybody because we will get killed . And what's the point of anything that's supposed to be used in teamwork that rocket works hard on ?
  15. Yes we need to remove military loot from the coast. If not remove then at least make it ultimately rare, so that a freshspawn who spawned in Balota won't find M4 with full mags while other survivors struggle to find makarov at the other parts of the coast
  16. 10-15 seconds sleeping system ? It's a real-time game, so sleeping would have to be like in real life. I like the idea of sleeping tho. Going to sleep when logging out and still being in the game as a sleeping guy, lol, that sounds funny.
  17. Gdaddy22

    Disposing of "Waste"

    Reminds me of this hilarious thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/142054-shitpiss-system-v12/
  18. Gdaddy22

    Bugging into walls / hidden rooms

    This bug is one of the most common bugs in the game, I think it will be fixed soon
  19. Didn't I say that it wouldn't work in this version of Standalone alpha we have right now because there is nothing to do other than KoS ? And I'm only talking about the final version when there is lots of things to do other than KoS, so we wouldn't have to listen to birds and scrath our ballsacks. Also I hope that devs will make zombies more powerful so we would have to teamwork with someone in case we're wounded or surrounded (we wouldn't HAVE to, but it would be much safer and easier)
  20. For now yes. I think it's been said over 953 times that items are going to be much more rare in later versions of alpha
  21. I don't want to get rid of KoS. I want to reduce it so it's not a deatmatch game like Call of Duty. Just add a table with player's kills/death ratio and a score under TAB button, and you just created CoD with a huge ass map. KoS'ing in order to survive is good, but KoS'ing because I'm bored and I have shitloads of ammo and guns anyway so I can kill as many people as I want is bad. Yes, there is nothing to do other then KoS'ing now, but I hope it will change later when tons of new things will be added to the standalone, so that players will have things to do other than KoS
  22. Gdaddy22

    Zombies as a cure for KOS

    No you wouldn't