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Neph (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Neph (DayZ)

  1. Neph (DayZ)

    Hacker Camp

    Just raided this location, thanks for the tip.. Walked out with rangefinders, coyote pack, ghillie, MK 48 Mod 0 and more :D
  2. Neph (DayZ)

    ShankyQc Admin Abuse

    Bumping, because I was kicked from there a few times as well.
  3. Neph (DayZ)

    Old Bandit skin

    I would honestly love to see the Bandit skin brought in as a drop for clothing choice, instead of just only the ghillie and camo. I never had the opportunity to wear it before (Started playing with the 1.6.0 update)
  4. Neph (DayZ)

    Everyone lost everything

    Isn't that simple, when you are far far north and get hit with this bull**** Was in US 65 and got dropped with my buddy and 3 other people instantly.