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About smudge

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    On the Coast
  1. smudge

    AI camps??

    Well when i took the shot at the ghillie im sure i hit him twice but he was able to suddenly turn and kill me instantly. Either he had aimbot or it was an AI. It was not a private hive so i dont see how it could have been an AI. Anyway the friend that got away picked up a few other friends but got ambushed and we lost the URL :3
  2. smudge

    AI camps??

    Ok so me and five other friends had created a camp next to the dam at the top of the map and one other and i were driving back to the camp with a trail of zombies. On the way to pick me up my friend encountered a camp with 8 tents in. There was no one there wich he took as suspicious but he drove past anyway and picked me up. We took a different route home and when we got to the dam we drove down the hill and stopped by our URL and a quadbike. My other friend had some trouble with a different quadbike and was stuck underneath. There were a few zombies coming down the hill and we all had m9sds with silencers and started picking zombies off. But then we hear single loud shots. my friend got hit and said whos shooting? then he got hit again and died. Then i saw someone lying down on the hill shooting. He picked off two more of us and i ran and got in the jeep. (only cover around) the other two ran up the dam and took point either side of a gap. Suddenly the "person" got up and vanished so i thaught it must have been an ai that had de spawned affter killing three people. So i got out of the car and started walking up the dam but when i looked up a saw a solitary face from the top of the dam looking at me and he ducked. i ran to my friends huddled under the bridge and after a while my friend walked out to try and salvage the oil on one of our friends bodies. Of course he was shot and then i saw a ghillie come past. I took a pot shot with a m16 but mised and he immedietly turned round and killed me. The remaining survivor wasnt going to be a little girl and log so he got up charged down the hill and got un the URL and drove away but people followed him. He finally escaped and met us all again. So im just wandering if dayz has AI camps now because there were no cars around the camp and unless there were people there by couinsidence then the killers spawned by the dam. Any answers would be great :) thanks. Hawk.