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Posts posted by xrevdoe

  1. 1: Tell us a little about you're self? You know me ZUMIE...


    2: What day's can you usually play on? I can play DayZ every day of the week.


    3: How long are you on for? 3-5 hours.


    4: Do you have a working mic? Yes.


    5: Do you have Skype,Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble? Skype and TeamSpeak


    6: What gun do you use most in DayZ.? I mostly use the M4a3 CCO SD on normal DAYZ


    7: Will you be loyal to the clan, and respect member's leader's ect? Yes i will respect all member's and Staff/Leaders.


    8: Skill level at DayZ 1-10? I know just about every thing there is to know about DayZ and i canhandle myself pretty good in pvp so id say 8/10

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