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Cormac McCarthy

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Everything posted by Cormac McCarthy

  1. Cormac McCarthy

    your first ever PC specs

    my first pc was just a blue screen that i could type white text on, and if i knew how to go into boot i could change the text color, and i could print the text on a printer as big as my damn desk. good ol days. i remember when doom 2 came out on floppy, playing it in my dorm back in college, that game scared the shit out of me. we have come so far in such a short period of time its truly incredible.
  2. Cormac McCarthy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i feel like this should repeated on every topic/ page on this forum
  3. Cormac McCarthy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    wow, just wow
  4. im confused as to why there arent just invisible walls along the outside of the map..
  5. Cormac McCarthy

    If I had my hands in this mod (updated server jumping fix)

    :D oh happy day, btw, if i ever get attacked by a zombie wolf in the woods. im going to have a heart attack, and haunt you rocket.
  6. Cormac McCarthy

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    there is no "game" to be broken. theres an alpha you can test tho. and report any bugs or issues you may have.
  7. Cormac McCarthy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i want to install files manually, is that not possible anymore, or are they just not updated yet. ? because there still 1.3/ 1.4
  8. Cormac McCarthy

    IF this was an actual game...

    game purchase only, i work and pay my own rent, i dont need more monthly fees, i pay internet, cable, elec. water, why on earth would i pay monthly for a videogame. i realize how naive that sounds now. i understand how difficult it is, and all the time its taken out of your life to make all this happen, still tho, haha, no gusta
  9. Cormac McCarthy

    Respawn Confirmation

    lol i just did this, (again) , every time i do it i just stare at my monitor with my mouth open, then burst out laughing. i kinda like it.
  10. Cormac McCarthy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    i have to share this, look at what this guy posted, holy balls some people make me wanna go hide in a corner for the rest of my life. (Today 05:14 AM)TheSexyGoat Wrote: Wow... after weeks of work, collecting guns, food, drinks, everything, storing in my tent/cars I get this. First, I lost all the cars I had in the first update, didn't really bother me, since all the good stuff I have are in my tents, now the tents are getting wiped? Seriously.. makes me wanna stop playing this and think about the 30$ I wasted.
  11. Cormac McCarthy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    impressive, mr. anderson.
  12. Cormac McCarthy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    i hope a bird poops on your head when you step outside today.
  13. Cormac McCarthy

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    "You're not actually re spawning, you are a new survivor starting out on the beach, so why would you retain knowledge of who did what?" i agree with this. dunno why i felt the need to share that but here goes lol
  14. Cormac McCarthy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    one thing i am very surprised i haven't seen.. invisible walls on the border of the map,
  15. LOL you know what would be even greater, if he just cancelled the whole damn thing , and people that bought arma 2 just for this mod had nothing ahahah
  16. words cannot describe my shock and awe toward some people, why on earth would you do that, you shouldnt be playing this like its done. putting your time and energy into this is not an excuse for anything. you should see how well shit works, report it, then try other shit. wait untill the game is released to spend time gathering equip.
  17. Cormac McCarthy

    Performance Tips/Tricks for DayZ/ARMA 2

    nvm im blind
  18. Cormac McCarthy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    i would love an answer to this question as well.
  19. dont play the game not expecting to spawn without anything the next time you log in. this isnt a game yet. most alpha stages of games dont even have textures or sounds, thats all added for beta, so this is crazy good for being where its at now,