Hi All, I Have been off the gaming scene for a few years now as TBH nothing had much interests after starting out in the days of Doom and Quake 1/2/3 UT Counter strike ect ect.. then while on You tube i stumbled on a Dayz vid.. WoW.. at last something interesting.. so just downloaded the arma 2 package then dayz mod all through steam.. and i am in.. i realize after a while away and joining an online community that has been going a few years and i am in at the deep end and lots to learn... I Joined my first Server after a few attempts.. it took me a while to realize the button can be yellow as most appear to be yellow or password protected.. my first 3 hours on a server last night ended up in me finding nothing in the many houses i sneaked around.. possibly servers vary there was only me and one other player and we never met having not played Arma2 or any of the addons apart from Dayz the inventory was a bit iffy until a you tube tut... any advice on good servers or groups appreciated... i am a mature gamer and love the idea of the survival angle i use skype id sesthedude3 happy to team up anytime.. any contact/advice appreciated...