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Posts posted by WolfQuaid

  1. What don't you understand my friend, if that's the case "Hoodlum" was running a SCRIPT and he would of got banned as he/she was running it while on ArmA2... you picking up his weapons won't as you are not running a script or program..."Apparently".

    For someone that knows so much about anti-cheat systems you're good at hiding it.

  2. Battle Eye detects software/programs that are running along side the game not the content of the game itself I believe. Why would battle eye ban you from using a gun that's already in the game? just because it's not allowed in the mod doesn't mean its not allowed. Hence why we have admins who can report such behavior to the devs and hence why you can get banned from the mod ONLY as your GUID will be flagged in the DayZ system. So rice I don't believe you unfortunately either...

    But hey I could be wrong

  3. First of all' date=' i would like to preface this by saying thank you to rocket for actually replying to all of this and to actively taking a role in the community.

    I as globally banned, but before you stop reading i think it was a good thing i was. I loved the game, have been playing for awhile and got bored. Didn't think script(s) would actually work, decided to try it. It worked. I never went all out, basically all i did was give myself a new gun and some ammo. The game got boring for me so i cheated. I will freely admit to cheating, that is why i am not mad i got banned, i am actually very happy that I did. I never would have been tempted if it was so simple to do.

    I will be buying the game again and playing 100% legit because now I can see something is actually being done and the playing field is being leveled. I got tired of going to the NW airfield and hearing DMR's constantly. Those things rarely ever spawn. Good luck finding ammo too. Multiple people had helicopters in the server i was in yesterday, it was out of hand. I felt like i had to be on their level.

    Just to see that something is being done is great to me. Hopefully BattlEye actually becomes a good anti-cheat system and stops most of the scripters/hackers in the game. Then everyone can be on a level playing field. Thanks again for reading all of these rocket and taking pride in what you have worked on.


    Glad you saw the error of your ways mate, and that isnt meant to be condesending in any way or form.

    Wish others would take their medicine like this gentleman has.

    Thank Jebus for this, I've just spent the last 40-50 minutes reading the whole post and was about to go into a anger rant about the ignorance, stupidity and disregard of some people... no neanderthals, but this has calmed me down... a bit

  4. I'm not a bandit but have killed others for the general fact that they look suspicious when I've encountered them, in these cases I would become a bandit. I prefer the way it is now, I'm still just as cautious since the skins were removed and for that reason my death ratio is still the same. This mod is about realism and realistically I would not trust someone no matter what clothes or names they had.

  5. I like to get them chasing me, I feel like some sort of necromantic pied piper without the flute...

    I did the same thing the other day as I sometimes enjoy running along the coast being chased by a horde and freaking out new players. I had one guy literally stop in the middle of the road quarter mile away and just stare at me. When I got close he said in his American voice over the mic very calmly "Fuck that buddy, you're on your own" at which point I saluted him and got mauled.

    I've never had a game/mod that has made me laugh, cry and shit myself all at the same time...
