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Posts posted by Zumie

  1. Hello guys, my name is Zumie and I am starting a new clan called Kilo Company, or [KC]. We only have 2 people so far in this clan. But we are looking for people, so if you wanna join just fill out the clan app down below↓ and this will get you one step closer to becoming a member of [KC]. Thanks, and as always have a nice day!  B) 




    1: Tell us a little about you're self?

    2: What day's can you usually play on?

    3: How long are you on for?

    4: Do you have a working mic?

    5: Do you have Skype,Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble?

    6: What gun do you use most in DayZ.?

    7: Will you be loyal to the clan, and respect member's leader's ect?

    8: Skill level at DayZ 1-10?









