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Everything posted by Gangul4

  1. Anytime you want man we are all night there !
  2. We are also livestreaming every night you can check our members stream here Twitch.tv/gamingzombi3
  3. Welcome to our newest member from USA expertofsound !
  4. Bunch of mature and nice guys in this community.I have been quite some time with them and I recommend to anyone who is looking for mature and fun community to join us !
  5. Just a quick update we are waiting for more members to join and after that we are buying our own server !
  6. dude come and check us out we have exactly what you're looking for http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143815-the-x-ecutioners-european-clan-recruiting-18-only/
  7. Bring her on Teamspeak, buy her a game, and lets start looting! Problem solved :D
  8. Dude I have added you on skype, call me back when you can.
  9. Hi Jopdevriend, We are a European Mature Community and we are looking for European players so we can establish a cool group of mature and nice people. Come check us out mate. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143815-the-x-ecutioners-european-clan-recruiting-18-only/ See ya there !
  10. Welcome to the newest guys and lets gather tonight for some looting !
  11. I've been playing with these guys almost a year, excellent community, very friendly and mature.I highly recommend you to join if you are looking for a good European Clan.