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Everything posted by ActionManZlt

  1. ActionManZlt

    Australian Player/s!

    Hi, maybe check out the AusArma community. http://www.ausarma.org/forum/97-ausarma-dayz/
  2. ActionManZlt

    died out of nowhere

    The only sudden death I've had, other than from a sniper, was when a hacker spawned a block of C4 under my feet... and I certainly heard that!
  3. ActionManZlt


    Quit Quietly
  4. ActionManZlt


    If it's good enough for NASA, it's good enough for me!
  5. ActionManZlt

    Being revived? good idea or bad?

    The game already lets you revive "dead" players. I've had a friend knocked unconscious on the ground with the horde ripping his entrails out. After spraying them with my Colt .45 and applying bandages, he was on 50/12000 blood -- converting to a real-world human with 5L of blood, that's about 200mL, or one cup of blood left in him. This is basically dead. But wait, 1 epi-pen, 1 bandage and 1 cow later, he was back to normal again within 10 minutes of being "dead". I'd call that a "revive" ;)
  6. Isn't this a challenge/response for telling if someone is an active forum member, not a friendly?
  7. ActionManZlt

    Crossbow Quiver

    +1 I've never really given the crossbow a proper chance due to the amount of inventory required...
  8. ActionManZlt

    Windowed Mode with Six Launcher

  9. ActionManZlt

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I assumed it was a percentage chance to be spotted -- e.g. when lying prone and it says 10, that means that if you're in a zombie's FOV, you'll have a 10% chance of him going aggro. I see you failed to read rule #1?
  10. ActionManZlt

    A few questions about the map

    Dots only show up on servers that are set to "easy" difficulty. On the regular settings, you won't get that extra help. Yes, notes on the map are shared across the server. Don't mark your tent on it ;)
  11. If you can't fight them, then it's not a struggle... ;PA2 suffers more than other games, because when they were building their networking layer in 2000, they didn't have the foresight to predict the exploits it would allow for... It is because of a design flaw in the RV engine that we've got such a problem here and now. So's CryEngine and Unreal Engine (designed for modding and used for private military simulations)...The problem is the networking architecture chosen by the BI dev's. It's simply not a secure design. Yep, this doesn't matter when running a sim on a closed Dept. of Defense network (actually, their sim network architecture is designed on purpose so that any client can 'hack' any other client -- they allow different games/sims to be plugged into each other, e.g. a dedicated flight-sim for pilots, connected to Arma for the ground troops. The pilot's sim can simply tell the ground troops that they're dead, without having to spawn a bomb/missile inside Arma or have to ask the Arma server whether it's allowed to do this. Every client can override the decisions of others, which makes contracting the development of a new sim cheaper for the DoD), but it does matter for a competitive multi-player game, which Arma was also designed to be. Other games aren't nearly as vulnerable, simply because of their choice of more sensible architectures. Seeing the problem stems from a fundamental flaw in the architecture of the lowest levels of the game engine, there's not much the DayZ crew can do about it. So yep, let's just hope that Arma3 has re-done it's networking layer from scratch. P.S. I know this from being sub-contracted by Boeing to develop a DoD-compatible F/A-18 equipment simulator, which had to be able to be run alongside a version of VBS (the military version of Arma). You can 100% stop certain categories of hacks. In particular, with a secure design, any hack that changes what should be server-side logic (e.g. spawning items/bombs, moving players) should be 100% impossible, unless the attacker actually has access to the server (i.e. can log into Windows/Linux on that PC as an administrator).
  12. Here's an old comparison video that I made when I first got mine for Arma2 -- I've got the rig attached to the camera, and turn it on and off while looking around so you can see what it does. You don't have to look behind you -- you can tweak the sensitivities. I've got mine set up so that a ~45º rotation of your head (max I can turn it and still comfortably see the screen) corresponds to an almost 180º rotation in-game, so I can look over my shoulder. You can also zoom in and out by moving closer/further from your screen. Probably wasn't tweaked/positioned correctly. Not sure which rig you were using -- the "pro" rig is a headphone-clip with 3 IR-LEDs on it vertically, and is very stable. The other type of rig clips horizontally onto the brim of a baseball cap and instead uses retro-reflective paint to bounce IR light emitted from the camera back into the camera, and is less stable. People behind you should have no impact, unless they're emitting infra-red light, or wearing retro-reflective clothing (e.g. safety vests)!! N.B. halogen light-globes and candles do emit strong IR, so if any of these were in the camera's FOV, it would screw it up.You've got to ensure that the camera has a good view of the rig, and that any head movement that you make won't take the rig outside of the camera's FOV. Also, by default, sideways movement will be translated into leaning in-game, which can screw you up. You naturally move your sitting position while playing, so every now and then you've got to hit the "re-center" button (F12 for me) while looking straight ahead to tell it what your new comfortable spot is. It does take a long time to set it up correctly, to tweak it to your liking, and a lot of practice before it feels natural, but afterwards it does feel completely natural. Now when I play Arma without it, or start playing BF3/etc, I unconsciously "look around" with my head, fully expecting the game's camera to move, and totally have my immersion shattered when the game doesn't do so... ;) Do you mean yaw and pitch? The rest are ignored, except x, which is lean left/right.
  13. ActionManZlt

    [HOW TO] Not Get Shot By A Player

    I've run into dozens of players up close by accident, and only been murdered by them twice. 1) a guy snuck into a ATC while I was looting upstairs. He heard my footsteps and hid under the stairs. When I was leaving, for some reason I turned around after making it out the door (I didn't know he was there, but I looked back out of habit). As soon as I looked back, he saw me "take aim" at him, and he defended himself... So I don't count this one -- he was just scared of being shot and seems like I would've got out alive if I hadn't stopped and aimed at him. 2) A guy stalked me and my friend to a deer-stand, and shot me as I climbed the ladder. I've been murdered maybe half a dozen more times, but these other deaths are all from camping snipers, who you can't talk to anyway, and probably don't care for communication... i.e. the skilled/professional bandits. Aside from the above, all my other close-up encounters have ended peacefully. Most of these players have actually had the drop on me -- they've had sight of me and a clear shot way before I knew they were there -- which is how I know their either friendly, or a really inept bandit. Either way, if I'm not dead and they've had the chance to kill me, I know I've got pretty good chances of sprinting to cover without them shooting me still. If there's another player nearby I follow the steps: 1) Get behind hard cover ASAP. If in a building, this can just be backing into the room you're in and covering the doorway. 2) Establish contact, or if unseen, let them continue on their way. 3) If (2) fails, fire a warning shot. This may draw the horde towards you, but that's a great motivator for the other play to get away from you. 4) Plot your escape route and get the hell out of there. So far, this plan has worked 100% of the time for me (about 10 times). I do believe that there are bandits out there who will go along with starting a conversation, only to ambush me soon after... but it hasn't happened to me yet. YMMV.
  14. If you want to get used to Chernarus, load up the mission editor, double click to place a unit, change category to 'Air' and type to 'AH-**'. Then you can freely fly around in a chopper and explore the land.
  15. Did you update correctly? Bad installs can corrupt your character.
  16. ActionManZlt

    spawning without weapon?

    You've got a way to defend yourself from zombies: those two stumps under your torso with shoes on the ends. I think they're called "legs". Using them, you can manoeuvre your body to be on the other side of an obstacle from a zombie, and then return to sneaking.Sorry for the sarcasm --- yes, the learning curve is very steep, but that was still true when we spawned with a pistol. Giving everyone a pistol didn't really help you learn how to play, and just gave every new character a fast way to become a bandit by murdering other just-spawned characters. Spawning without a gun added a whole new "unarmed" phase to every life, and this phase should last you less than about 20 minutes once you've figured out the basics (i.e. find where you spawned on the map, run to nearest city, profit). This is the same for noobs and experienced players alike whenever they start a new character (which can still be quite often, even for people who know how to play). Once you've got some confidence and experience in the game, you can actually brazenly sprint straight for Cherno/Elektro without caring that you're pissing of zombies, run through some alleys to lose the zombies chasing you, then happily loot the store to find a gun. You can even run into a lot of buildings while being chased, and either quickly grab a gun off the floor to defend yourself, or simply duck out the back door and sneak away (don't run into a building with only 1 entrance if being chased while unarmed!). You'll quickly find that zombies aren't very often a real threat in this game, and that the real danger is bandits. N.B. expect to make big mistakes with your first bunch of characters. I'm a long-time Arma player, and it still took me 10 lives to really get on top of how to play properly.
  17. ActionManZlt

    The FADE warning

    If you don't know what FADE is, it's the DRM system used by Arma -- instead of stopping pirates from playing, it just screws with them, by reducing their accuracy, changing their controls, etc.. . and reminds them that an original copy is a good idea by popping up with the message: "Remember: Original copies do not FADE". [edit]Sorry, it's "Illegal copies may degrade", I was going from memory, not a screenshot ;)[/edit] If you see this message pop up, you should really be worried, because it means you're running a pirate copy!! So, the other week I was playing with friends, and one starts freaking out over voice because this message has popped up on his screen. I was about to laugh at him for being a dirty pirate, but then I noticed it was on my screen too, and a 2nd friend also saw it -- it was in the server-wide chat text down the bottom left. Seeing we all have legit Steam copies of the game, I'm guessing that this warning was just showing up in the global chat for everyone on the server? If that's the case, does this mean that the server is running on a cracked version of Arma? Do server operators need a legit copy, or is the dedicated-server freeware? If so, will playing on these cracked servers do us harm, and should we be reporting them to someone? Or, maybe a single pirated client connected, which causes the server to print the warning to everyone globally? Or, does every server simply print the FADE warning from time to time? Thanks for any insights.
  18. I've had a friend over to LAN, where we both had A2:CO on our own computers, behind the same router, and there was no problem. If you both go into the profile editor and check your character ID's, are they different or the same?
  19. ActionManZlt

    HDR flickering

    Is your GPU overheating? Arma2 is known to overheat many kinds of GPUs when the settings are too high, causing graphical corruption. Also try updating your GPU drivers.
  20. ActionManZlt

    Characters with actual names

    N.B. Arma does actually give your character a random real-sounding name, like "John Doe" -- you just can't see it except on the debrief screen. Would be interesting to see this used for something.
  21. ActionManZlt

    Tent Flattening?

    Also, hackers can identify all the vehicle locations when they join a game, so parking your vehicle near your tent is going to allow a hacker to easily destroy both of them for the lulz, instead of just blowing up your vehicle.
  22. ActionManZlt

    Going far up north, whats the point?

    It also used to be because the south was full of dozens of murderous noobs with makarovs, and the bandits that hunt them.
  23. ActionManZlt


    Just remember that hackers only do what they do because they're angry about wetting the bed into their teenage years, and because their mum wouldn't give them a new puppy after they stabbed their first one.
  24. ActionManZlt

    The FADE warning

    Sorry, me and my friends have come to DayZ from Arma2 (and Arma1, and Arma0 AKA OFP), and regular A2 MP servers don't ever print this warning. The only time you see this warning (outside of DayZ) is when FADE has kicked in and decided to start tearing your installation a new one (in OFP it actually deleted files from your HDD).