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Everything posted by ActionManZlt

  1. ActionManZlt

    Killed by my Car

    You made the biggest mistake you can make in this game: you got too attached to your gear. Maybe this game is just a big conspiracy by rocket to convert us all into Buddhists?
  2. ActionManZlt

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    Rocket has explicitly condoned out-of-game "meta-gaming", so it's an intended part of the game that we'll form out-of-game groups as well as use in-game communication.BTW, I've had more luck making in-game friends when playing with my out-of-game group! By approaching people as a group, you're showing that you can kill them (but haven't, so are likely not murderers), and when you offer an out-of-game way to communicate (URL, TS, Skype names, etc), then they know that you're actually interested in coop and really want to make friends.
  3. ActionManZlt

    More Barbed Wire Fencing complaints...

    N.B. "screen tearing" is the effect where you see half of one frame and half of the next frame being displayed on your monitor at the same time' date=' with a random horizontal line splitting the two ([i']caused by the game presenting a new back-buffer half way through a vertical re-trace). This is fixed by turning on v-sync.I don't know how to describe the bug in the pictures, besides "corrupt geometry", maybe? Could be a sign of your GPU overheating?
  4. ActionManZlt

    Video and Graphics Cards

    Arma2 is a pretty old game, so most GPUs do OK at it. I find the most limiting factor for FPS is your CPU speed, and which server you choose to play on (if the server slows down, everyone slows down too).
  5. Write it down on a pad of paper when you connect ;) Yes, it's a pretty big oversight in the design of the Arma UI, but we all know that Arma's UI needs a LOT of work.
  6. ActionManZlt

    How is this fun?

    You didn't pay $30 for DayZ, you downloaded an alpha test (WIP) version of DayZ for absolutely free. The game has a very steep learning curve... So, you impulse-spent $30 on a game you didn't want to play (Arma2), so you could play an in-development modification for it, and then were too ADHD to bother learning how to play it? And that's the fault of the guy making this mod for free? Go complain to your counsellor, they're actually paid to listen to your crap.
  7. ActionManZlt

    Location hud

    Ctrl + M, once you've got the gear.
  8. ActionManZlt

    Adding SUVs?

  9. ActionManZlt

    Holsters Can HELP!!!

    Turn up your aiming deadzone setting, or get a TrackIR -- this lets you move your view/head independently of your gun/aim. When offering trust to a 'friendly', ill point my gun in the air or at the floor, while still having the 'friend' in the middle of my screen. Using the same technique, of high-deadzone or a TrackIR, you can control yourself a lot more naturally e.g. when using guns in real-life, you NEVER, EVER, point the barrel at anything that you don't want dead/destroyed. When playing cooperatively, I'll never let my crosshair touch a friendly player (in case by some accident the gun goes off), and with this control mode, when you need to cross someone, you can lift your aim up over their head and lower it again once you've rotated past them, all without actually changing your view angle -- the gun manoeuvre is independent to the camera.
  10. ActionManZlt

    Dead wtf?

    Is there an hourglass on the screen? If so, wait it out, you're unconscious. You probably went to sleep with a concussion ;p
  11. ActionManZlt

    Need urgent help with my map...

    As above, map markers are server-wide. You place them by double clicking, pressing up/down for an icon and typing. You delete them by placing your cursor over them and pressing the delete key.
  12. Yeah, in the latest version they disappear pretty quick (and leave the flies buzzing for some reason), but if you leg it you can often get back in time. I've been lucky enough to have friends guard my corpse for an hour before ;)
  13. ActionManZlt

    ESP hackers NEED to go rocket.

    The kind of people who can spawn gear on the server, or blow people up at will, etc, have a very dangerous kind of hack that allows them to act as an authority, and control server-side logic. ESP hacks on the other hand are much simpler, and can be done entirely client-side, without needing a 'back door' into the game server. This probably makes them much more prevalent, because they're easier for hackers to make, and script-kiddies probably think they're safer to use without being caught. So you can't say "you weren't robbed by a hacker coz they can just spawn their own gear", because a script-kiddie with an ESP hack can't spawn gear, they can just sniff out information that they're not supposed to know. There's been lots of reports where when a specific player joins a server, every vehicle position becomes marked on the shared map -- that's the sign of someone using one of these client-side cheats...
  14. ActionManZlt

    Does DayZ ned more vheicles?

    Apparently there's a lot of vehicles, but they're all horded by other players --- if this is true, then spawning 10 more will do nothing for the average player, coz the same hoarders will just add those extra vehicles to their collection. The dev's are addressing this with tweaking of respawn timers, and the decision to disallow off-map hoarding.
  15. ActionManZlt

    Close up pic of hatchet

    What does a magazine of 'hack' look like?
  16. ActionManZlt

    Back-story: Sliders

    DayZ is a "sharded" MMO - each server has a low player count, and is independent from others. This causes "unnatural" things, like: * you and a friend being in the same town but not actually being able to see each other ("oops, I joined the wrong server"). * server-bound items -- tents, fences, vehicles. * server hoppers. * DC'ers. The last 2 are arguably exploits, but I'm not suggesting a fix for them here -- there's plenty of other threads with ideas on how to mitigate exploits! Instead, I've been trying to explain how all these "unnatural" things could make sense within the RP environment of the game, and the most obvious thing that comes to mind is Sliders. If you've not seen it, the gist is: a guy builds a black box that can open worm-holes to other dimensions / parallel universes, but it's got a timer on it so it can't be re-used too quickly. Unfortunately, they can't control which parallel universe they end up in, and a sci-fi TV show ensues as they go on an adventure through different crazy versions of "earth". The abort button, and the server selection screen are our magic black box. It doesn't matter why (maybe you were working away at the LHC when a mini-black-hole got flung out of the particle accelerator right into your desk, spontaneously expanding to swallow your office from the world, before spontaneously evaporating without trace. yes i know that's not possible ;P) -- but one day you wake up on Chernarus beach, and find you've got a high-tech wrist-watch on. When you use the wrist-watch, you fall through a portal to another version of Chernarus. Bam, unnatural behaviours explained. Each "shard"/server it a parallel world. This could be tied into some of the suggested exploit fixes -- e.g. one solution for DC'ers is to keep their body in the game for 1 minute after they've disconnected, so they can't simply abort in a firefight unfairly. During this time, they could be playing an "activate the portal" animation (playing with their watch), and when it completes, a worm-hole appears and swallows them up.
  17. ActionManZlt

    Back-story: Sliders

    It already is implemented -- objects exist in different parallel universes, and we can travel between them at will!All I'm offering is an explanation for why we're capable of disappearing out of the game world and reappearing at will. It doesn't affect game-play at all, only the back-story.
  18. I though so, so I spawned a few female characters. In my experience (which is too small to be statistically significant), I had much more trouble with bandits. Could've been that I was just unlucky and ran into the kill-on-sight type players, but I usually die to zombies and bugs, not bandits, but my female char's murdered.
  19. ActionManZlt

    Uncooked AKM ammunition

    Backpacks are known to not always save properly. When you join a server, it downloads your backpack to HIVE, and when you quit, it re-uploads it. If there's network problems (like when script kiddes try their DDOS bullshit): * the server can screw up the 'download' part, and either delete your stuff or give you incorrect stuff. When you next log-off, this incorrect backpack will be saved over your actual data in HIVE. If this happens, it's usually accompanied by you being teleported to the debug plains. * the server can screw up the 'upload' part, and not actually save your backpack to HIVE. This means that next time you log in, your inventory will be correct, but your backpack will be as it was in a previous play-session, or even a previous life. I'm not sure if it actually helps, but my current superstition to avoid the second case is to always, before logging off, press G (not on a loot pile), then Open Bag, then Close Bag. This seems to force-save your pack. Not much you can do about this, but thankfully it's pretty darn rare now.
  20. ActionManZlt

    Central DB one huge disadvantage

    There's been plenty of other RPG mods for Arma with server-bound characters, this has always been a problem with them, and AFAIK, DayZ is the first one to provide cross-server persistence. It turns the game into an MMO instead of just a mod for an FPS. As to why you'd want to play on another server -- maybe sometimes you want to play at different times of day, maybe your "home" server is full, maybe you want to team up with a buddy who's chosen a different "home" server to you? All the local servers in my region are constantly at 50/50 players during the hours I'm able to play (apparently peak hours), so I've got to either take whichever one I can find a free slot in, or play on a USA server with 250 ping (my "home" server is actually a seattle one, but I'd rather play on a local one if there's slots open). There actually are a lot of servers out there that use their own DB instead of HIVE already -- I joined one the other day and freaked the fuck out coz I thought my character had been reset! They're easy to find, because they don't follow the same naming convention as the official servers. So you've got your wish.
  21. ActionManZlt

    seattle player - new to game need serious help plz!

    Play the Arma boot-camp first to learn the controls. This is just a mod for Arma after all. If you want to meta-game it and magically know where all the loot is, go to http://dayzdb.com/map
  22. ActionManZlt

    Killed by zombies?

  23. ActionManZlt

    Surrender - Revolutionizing the Bandit Industry :P

    As soon as the DC exploits are fixed, so that people are forced to play the game properly, then this would be a magical feature ;) Robberies already occur, and the lower-weapon, sit and salute commands are helpful, but a dedicated surrender button would help armed robbery become a mainstream activity (in place of murder), instead of a wonderful (but too often theoretical) novelty. If morality is ever re-implemented in a meaningful way, then this would be a great addition, as robbery isn't anywhere near as immoral as killing, but serves the same purpose of keeping yourself alive.