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Everything posted by NoogSta

  1. NoogSta

    population on the decline?

    well if you guys a looking for a game without bugs then this mod isnt for you right now. Pretty much playing this game you are not a gamer you are a tester. just to make that clear in its current state. the bugs in the game currently will not go away until it is standalone, zombies wall clipping and everything else. hackers/scripters is another whole other situation, where in arma 2 they are allowed, and since we are actually playing arma 2 they are kinda allowed. there doing everything they can to stop it but here is were they stand "should we put our energy in hacker/scripter in a game that allows it (battle lost pretty much from the beginning) or should we work out how we can do things and experiment on the things that when this game comes out standalone will set it apart from every game that is played these days? im guessing you guys can work out the answer unless you really want me to say it. So if you keep playing dayz understand that you are a free quality assurance tester of a game and that your job is to report bugs and realy messages to the dev team about your opinion towards the features/playability/bugs(not known would help more) etc. hence the reason im not playing at the moment there is not much to really report on the features in the current version have been in there for along time. main difference with the latest realease was the no respawn button which is awesome in my opinion, since it bring back the searching scavenging process to wherever you spawn and not the im not near cherno/electro spawn death inse repeat gameplay. so as testers understand that some of these problems will not go away until standalone and if you happen to get done by it embraces the fact that now you can go survive and meet new people over direct or whatever style of gameplay that tickles your fancy. even though i play with friends i still talk to people in game when im a new spawn and see if they want to join our band of guys. just makes it way less boring when your by yourself in this game. but as i said earlier in the thread prolly wont be on this game much till some new things come out in it.
  2. NoogSta

    population on the decline?

    I used to be on everyday but once you have done everything eg, heli, bus, NVG's,gillie banditry, help noobs, fix stuff, raid camps etc. There's not much else even if there were more people it just more of the same. Im waiting for new content or new features the gameplay is great but once you master dodging zeds and battling and hunting people. Theres not much left in the game. It's quite lite in its current form of how you can expand your expiernce. Once you master the paranoia aspect and the not being attached to gear thing. The raw craving of the first time you played dayz is kinda gone so once rocket implements some new aspects and though provoking and expandsive gameplay. I think I'll wait for stand alone were the game can really thrive. Though I'll always comeback for the updates to see how the game is progressing. Would love to hear other people who are at this points thoughts as well
  3. Because they need painkillers and bandages. Or there flashlight is out of batteries
  4. Also 1 last thing how do you know that most of the scripting is done by under 18 year old you. I'm 27 to btw so I am in no way under 18 but really your solution makes no sense it makes me wonder your state of mind that this a potential solution.
  5. This is by far the stupidest suggestion. It's like ageism or something. And you know how -ism work with problems only make them worse
  6. What I don't understand is why he would stream if he is such a pussy, Awesome how you caught him and trolled him. Until I started banditing I didn't realize how much this goes on. It's takes the fun out of the whole expierence.
  7. There is no single player/private server in this game.
  8. NoogSta

    Is this a hack?

    Nope he must of hit you in the head. Hatchet does I think 4500 to body in 1 hit, not sure what it equals to the head but I know it kills
  9. Im very interested to know what rocket needs from us as a community to help DayZ go stand alone? We all play DayZ here, so what else? I'm sure a lot of other people are interested to know what we can do to help push the project along I would like to hear from anyone that knows the process or has any knowledge of it or even from the man himself what is needed. We are all here signed up, listening and ready to go. So what is needed?
  10. NoogSta

    Pending Update: Build

    I love the avatar pic kadude it's almost Identical
  11. NoogSta

    Pending Update: Build

    Don't change the damage rocket. I love how you need to be skilled to kill the zeds now 1 shorting them with a pistol was too easy. I like how choosing a pistol will be based on ammo not dmg as much because I never thought the g17 or pdw as a option since you can 1 shot a zed with a 1911 so why would you take it. Now it's like we'll the pdw/g17/m9 you can carry more ammo and use less slots plus have more chance at getting the headshot on the zeds. I like this kind of on the go thinking a positive addition whether it was ment or otherwise in my opinion. Alsothat it might take more shots to kill other players is awesome too there is nothing better than being in a massive firefight. And taking a hit and getting pat he'd up to flank around or go in. The confusion that happens in those moments is sometimes unforgettable with friends. Since the outcomes change as we get better at communicating.
  12. NoogSta

    Pending Update: Build

    You know 1 major thing I notice when reading the posts in these pending update/ rolling update threads. Everyone is so SERIOUS!!!! It's amazing some of you guys play video games at all. I'm pretty sure games are meant to be fun???? So can we all start having fun yet? I know Rocket is with changing the date :P
  13. NoogSta

    Pending Update: Build

    i cant wait to see all the ban appeal post from people saying that they werent server hopping and combat logging and that they got banned :) i wonder how many of them will be true or just combat loggers?
  14. NoogSta

    Pending Update: Build

    awesome cant wait to see this hive reputation screen, and be able to view my personal data.
  15. a ETA on when the server will be up?
  16. NoogSta

    How do I find my friend?

    there are plenty of teamspeak server around that you can join and chat on. download teamspeak 3 and just search some even let you create your own private room :)
  17. NoogSta

    Noob question about patches

    its not so much the patches deleting your character its loading a new character over the top of your previous character. had a friend who just clicked respawn and they loaded into there old character, another guy got killed by a bandit and then when he loaded in it was a previous characted he though was lost since the click respawn thing didnt fix it. guess it depends but if it happens to you try just clicking respawn.
  18. NoogSta

    Using a controller

    If you need some help I've got a interesting layout that works well pm me if your interested. Caviano. Your opinion was not necessary. If you got a problem with a dude wanting help with configuring something make a thread don't ruin someone else's search for help. Like really???? There is enough hate in the world why bring more?
  19. yer i would like to know also
  20. NoogSta

    Day Z Wallpapers

    I will anyway :) Thanks
  21. NoogSta

    played for first time tonight

    Awesome I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's refreshing to see new players find that same spark I felt when I first played. Just some advice you are going to die and it will suck very bad and you will lose awesome stuff but just move onto the next adventure, don't complain about it just learn.
  22. NoogSta

    My one tip to new players

    It's all the risk/loss factor. When I'm a fresh spawn I ran into town speaking in direct anyone want to hook up fresh spawn or look for people who seem like they would like to group. Bandits stick out like wildfire they are cautios, sneaky they try to dodge you and have ill intent as soon as you see them. Most people I bump into on US and ANZ servers are keen to work a way out of the city the bandits dont really communicate they try to bait you and use tricks and are very suspicious in there behavior. They don't want to build rapport so that they can alleviate there guilt for the murder. Just look a what they talk about with there victories there not about conquering there about cunning and deception. They provide the space of the mistrust in the atmosphere. But are a important part of his game! I've been playing regularly for a month now and can say my best experiences in the game is when I meet new people randomly find gear quick in chern/elecktro and head out for wherever. Then sometimes I may never seem that person again but he will remember my name and I his for the small amount of teamwork we went through to ge to we're we needed. I suggest get your mic, toggle voice and speak in town. That's what I do and I've had many adventures including buses, airfields, NVG'S, camp raiding, etc. You have to reach out before you can be grabbed. :)
  23. Maybe get used to losing your gear and less qq it happened o me and I had 10k blood with NVG's but it's alpha and if you play alpha you're gonna have a bad time. Oh Arma2 is standing on its feet just fine. No' date=' you are absurd. Its your fault you died, deal with it and stop trying to transform this mod into something else. What you posted is not a problem, sorry. In real life, zombie would proly eat your whole 12k blood face in 2 seconds and here you cry because you died from one hit, lol. Anyway, thank you for another ridiculous crybaby post for our podcast about these posts, maybe you will have your one minute of fame, when we laugh about it infront of the camera. I think zombies should actually have a chance to uninstall your whole game on one hit. [/quote'] I lol'd so hard That was gangsta straight up!!! I wished they'd uninstall it too. As Rick James says "Cold Blooded"