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Everything posted by GamerLostTheGame

  1. GamerLostTheGame

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    loving all the frequent fix's, keep up the good work the community is counting on you! <3
  2. Hey, i'm from Great Britain... Been playing Dayz for a year and a half now, just looking for a group of people or even just one person to play Dayz with :) Although I sometimes joke about and have a laugh I'm also a very serious player. I'm 15 (non squeaker ;D) I play any and every map/mod. Steam: GamerLostTheGame Skype: ben12674
  3. I know that it's all about Epoch now days, but i'd like to play origins again. But instead of by myself I should see if someone wants to join me!? xD Skype: ben12674 Steam: GamerLostTheGame Age: 15 Location: Great Britian
  4. Skype name: ben12674 Age: 15 How long you have been playing: Over a Year Pilot skills: Good Favorite map: Tavianna
  5. GamerLostTheGame

    Looking for a group to join?

    Hey, i'm Ben. I'v been playing Dayz for around 7 months now and I thought it was about time to join a group :) Age: 15 Country: England Occupation: Marksman Skype: ben12674 Steam: ben12674
  6. Sure I'v sent you a friend request on steam...
  7. I'd join you if I could find you on Skype (there are tons of people under the name of Speke?