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About GummyyBearrrr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GummyyBearrrr

    Bad Version, Server rejected connection

  2. GummyyBearrrr

    Bad Version, Server rejected connection

    and what do i save it as ?
  3. GummyyBearrrr

    Bad Version, Server rejected connection

    That website tells me to put these words into my expansion folder but do i put it into notepad first or ?
  4. GummyyBearrrr

    Bad Version, Server rejected connection

    please help someone i bought this arma 2 and arma 2 aroowhead just for dayz :(
  5. GummyyBearrrr

    Bad Version, Server rejected connection

    Then i get an error saying The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
  6. GummyyBearrrr

    Bad Version, Server rejected connection

    How do i do that ? :P
  7. I am using day z commander and i try get into a server but it says Bad Version, Server rejected connection and it is up to date :/