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Posts posted by Kasrick

  1. After Downloading the game and tweaking with the settings on normal too high i have a very succesful FPS in towns 32+ and forested areas 50+.

    google Day Z increase FPS and a player MORNING AFTERKILL has provided a trick in the config files. very easy messing with your in game video options makes a world of difference as well anywho ya its not click and play for computers like mine give it time and tweak to satisfaction. Hope this helped! BTW 300$ Shelf Computer stock.

    Hi, ive been checking this out for a bit and from the looks of it i may be able to play Day Z.

    Not extremely Computer savy, just dont know what i can improve and with what device Ect...



    AMD Dual-core A4-3420 2.8 GHz APU with radeon 6410D Integrated graphics

    4GB ddr3 ramm

    1 T hard drive

    64 bit OS

    300W PS

    anything i should do or can i run on at least normal?

    Thank you in advance!


    hmmmm, thought so, i know i can over clock it and add a fan for insurance purposes. but with getting a graphics cards beings mine is integrated doeasnt that mean i have to pretty much start from scatch and go for a all round stronger build? or can i just slap a hd 7770 radeon in this puppy and lets rock? keep in mind that i dont worry about the graphics to much im fine on normal or even low. but i do have a decent pocket book if i must. thank you very much for the responce i know everybody wants to ask but in my borderline case i thought i might check. b ARMA 2 by itslelf runs smooth on normal+. just want it to run...

  2. You probably won't even be able to run it. CPU is a little lacking and integrated graphics are horrible for gaming. Get a discrete graphics card if you can. If you do decide to do that, you'll have to upgrade the power supply to whatever wattage the video card and system needs. 

    hmmmm, thought so, i know i can over clock it and add a fan for insurance purposes. but with getting a graphics cards beings mine is integrated doeasnt that mean i have to pretty much start from scatch and go for a all round stronger build? or can i just slap a hd 7770 radeon in this puppy and lets rock? keep in mind that i dont worry about the graphics to much im fine on normal or even low. but i do have a decent pocket book if i must. thank you very much for the responce i know everybody wants to ask but in my borderline case i thought i might check. b ARMA 2 by itslelf runs smooth on normal+. just want it to run...

  3. Hi, ive been checking this out for a bit and from the looks of it i may be able to play Day Z.

    Not extremely Computer savy, just dont know what i can improve and with what device Ect...



    AMD Dual-core A4-3420 2.8 GHz APU with radeon 6410D Integrated graphics

    4GB ddr3 ramm

    1 T hard drive

    64 bit OS

    300W PS

    anything i should do or can i run on at least normal?

    Thank you in advance!
