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About Kasrick

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    On the Coast
  1. Kasrick

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    After Downloading the game and tweaking with the settings on normal too high i have a very succesful FPS in towns 32+ and forested areas 50+. google Day Z increase FPS and a player MORNING AFTERKILL has provided a trick in the config files. very easy messing with your in game video options makes a world of difference as well anywho ya its not click and play for computers like mine give it time and tweak to satisfaction. Hope this helped! BTW 300$ Shelf Computer stock.
  2. Kasrick

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    hmmmm, thought so, i know i can over clock it and add a fan for insurance purposes. but with getting a graphics cards beings mine is integrated doeasnt that mean i have to pretty much start from scatch and go for a all round stronger build? or can i just slap a hd 7770 radeon in this puppy and lets rock? keep in mind that i dont worry about the graphics to much im fine on normal or even low. but i do have a decent pocket book if i must. thank you very much for the responce i know everybody wants to ask but in my borderline case i thought i might check. b ARMA 2 by itslelf runs smooth on normal+. just want it to run...
  3. Kasrick

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Hi, ive been checking this out for a bit and from the looks of it i may be able to play Day Z. Not extremely Computer savy, just dont know what i can improve and with what device Ect... Desktop AMD Dual-core A4-3420 2.8 GHz APU with radeon 6410D Integrated graphics 4GB ddr3 ramm 1 T hard drive 64 bit OS 300W PS anything i should do or can i run on at least normal? Thank you in advance!