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Everything posted by sassydog

  1. Come join and make our Clan bigger n better, We currently have 7 servers with all the new maps. Experience not necessary. A place for everyone. Admins and web developers needed as well. WWW. AZSF-Gamer.Net Website is running. TeamSpeak ip -
  2. Come join and make our Clan bigger n better, We currently have 7 servers with all the new maps. 5 are set to public, and 2 are private. Experience not necessary. A place for everyone. Admins and web developers needed. WWW. AZSF-Gamer.Net Website is running. TeamSpeak ip -
  3. Come join and make our Clan bigger n better, We currently have 7 servers with all the new maps. 5 are set to public, and 2 are private. Experience not necessary. A place for everyone. Admins and web developers needed. WWW. AZSF-Gamer.Net Website is running. TeamSpeak ip -
  4. Come join and make our Clan bigger n better, We currently have 7 servers with all the new maps. 5 are set to public, and 2 set to private. Experience not necessary. A place for everyone. Admins and web developers needed. WWW. AZSF-Gamer.Net Website is running. TeamSpeak ip -
  5. Come join and make our Clan bigger n better, We currently have 7 servers with all the new maps. 3 are set to public, and 4 are private. Experience not necessary. A place for everyone. Admins and web developers needed. WWW. AZSF-Gamer.Net Website is running. TeamSpeak ip -
  6. Sure, come on over. TemSpeak ip is on website.
  7. sassydog

    Clan Recruiting

    Come join and make our Clan bigger n better, We currently have 7 servers with all the new maps. 3 are set to public, and 4 are private. Experience not necessary. A place for everyone. Admins and web developers needed. WWW. AZSF-Gamer.Net currently under construction TeamSpeak ip -
  8. sassydog

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    Come check out www.azsf-gamer.net
  9. sassydog

    Looking to add players for tight knit group.

    Come check out www.azsf-gamer.net
  10. Yes, all are welcome to sign up.
  11. sassydog

    TEAM rocket, Are you there?

    Quit saying your testing an Alpha when people are trying to explain their problem, Thats what its all about. Test then tell your game problems for they can possibly be fixed.!!
  12. Yes Side Chat makes the game alot more interesting and would probably bring back some fun to the game.
  13. sassydog

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I think someones thinking is kind of backwards, I will put this on my small server but not on my huge server until they have brought out the update under six launcher and all the patches for everyone can join. Until then i don't think they should even announce a new update until they are ready to approve of it or are satisfied with it as they say.
  14. sassydog

    Anyone else having trouble connecting?

    Yes the game is broke right now! Needs another new beta patch beyond 95208 to fix it.
  15. sassydog

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Ok i disconnect to try to do some server setups and when i reconnect my character keeps passing out. I'm full on health,food,drink,temp is fine,blood at 12000. WTF?
  16. sassydog

    Seattle 21 - 2 player lockout

    I dont agree with that rule, people buy servers so they can play with there friends. Admins should be able tp kick,ban, lock and password their own servers whenever they want. If it remains like it is,that they can't. I'm sure there will be/remain a high amount of hacking going on.
  17. ok me and my roommate share the same computer both at different times,we both have our steam id's and have each bought a copy of the game thru steam, but our backpacks in game have synced up and whenever one dies the others character starts over as well. How do we resolve this issue.?
  18. Ok thanks, I made an order.
  19. I have a couple quick questions,do i need to contact the DayZ staff or are you going to do that for setup also what kind of bandwith do the recruit packages have?
  20. sassydog

    Player Profiles

    ok, i need this kind of help too, me and my roommate share the same computer both at different times,we both have our steam id's and have each bought a copy of the game thru steam, but our backpacks in game have synced up and whenever one dies the others character starts over as well. How do we resolve this issue.?