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Everything posted by The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

  1. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Tommy Gun

    Its not meant to be realistic. I just thought it be cool if you dont like it thats fine. But i mean come on think about it unloading a tommy gun like scarface on to a hoard of zombies just sounds epic.
  2. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Crashed Ambulance Car inland with medical supplies.

    YES Yes Yes that is a perfect idea :-)
  3. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    A few Day Z ideas

    * Able to wear the chest pack with any other backpack to boost carrying capacity---- Maybe but it could only have like 4-8 slots in it. * When you drink a can of soda, the empty can should remain in you inv for throwing to confuse z's----- sounds ok i am neutral about it. * Weapons with night vis / heat vis should also have a vanilla scope on them-------- completely agree. * The ingrediants and means to make pipe bombs, mines etc.-------- ummm i would rather just find them. * Let people build fishing rods and fish in ponds / lakes---------- I am neutral on this it seams like it would be hard to code tho and there would have to be limited amount of times you can use the fishing rod. * Wild animals which attack you - like bears, cougars etc. ------- Yes that should be in the game.
  4. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109


    1. body armor- head armor - chest armor - shoulders and leg armor. The longer you play the more protection you get against player killers but at the expense of movement speed. If you get so lucky to find them. Each piece of armor you find has a -% reduction and can can add up with a full set.-------- I like half of this idea i am all for armor but i dont think movement speed should be affected, i just think it should be very very rare like a .009 chance of spawning and it would not have a crazy amount of protection out of it. 2. More skins - a little more diversity so we don't accidentally shoot one of our own when someone tries to blend into a group because everyone looks the same.----- all for it a good idea and something tells me you shot your teammate lol. 3. Shovels can be used for digging a hole to bury your items for long term storage. If your good at using a map it should be easy to refind.------------- that is a good idea but i think that when you use the shovel it has to stay in the ground marking where you buried the items so that something you buried is not completely unfindable by anyone else and so you can only use it once. 4. limbs can be taken off zombies kinda like in dead space. and can only be 1 shot with a head shot. This would only work if teleporting was fixed.----------- ummmm i guess i would rather stay where it is because i dont awalys aim for the head soo ya i do think it would be kind of cool tho. I would like the idea if you can still kill with body shots. 5. Slow the rate that zombies can move but increase their numbers.----------- ummmm no because i LOVE when zombies case me all the way across the map. 6. Fix the Z's animations so when your close range fighting with they dont jump around you like a vampire or neo would and dodge your bullets.----------- i completely agree with you on that one 7. When stuck in an animation like bandaging or throwing, it would be great to stop the animation so you can react to incoming gunfire or two zombies that appeared out of nowhere.-------------completely agree on this one as well 8. If your throwing a gernaid, flare or tin can have a reticle on the screen so you can see generally where your going to throw it.--------- i think the same 9. I agree that the sight aggro radius is a little unrealistic for a zombie. Instead of such a long sight aggro radius maybe you can add a different mechanic like smell. if rain washes off your stench then your more susceptible to aggro.------- I agree that there should be a smell sense but i think the less you smell the better. 10.Restrict how quick a player can switch from server to server say you have to be in one server for at least 30 minutes before you can enter another one without a wait timer. the more you switch servers the longer the wait timer adds 5 mins for switching too quick 10 for another quick switch etc etc. you are still able to instantly connect to your original server.----------- I guess this is a good idea in idea form but what if someone is haveing a problem where they can not play on a server so they leave then they have to wait 5 mins. Also I dont think arma 2 can do that, maybe the 6-launcher can. 11.Thermal optics should never be allowed on a gun. From what i understand they were taken out but it might make sence for something like thermal sight that would take up several slots of your inventory much like what swat teams would use. Thermal optics and a large case takes up space. They are heavy and cumbersome but can be used really well to plan out an indoor attack. from personal experiance you have to keep them still and looking at one location for a few seconds before you get a picture of whats there.--------- Completely disagree, tho i do get that they are heavy 12.The ability to actually completly board up a building with wood and bars from scrap metal. Large groups of players can completly take over a part or an entire city. of course they could be retaken by using an axe to chop the wood off or just by shooting it.---------- ummmm i think rocket tried something like this and it was to glichly so he was not going to put it in the game. 13.Add a grouping option so you can choose to spawn near your team mate with a penalty to something like 50% blood for 5-10-15 mins, this effect might be similar to a deserter debuff on a mmorpg for leaving a pvp area.----- i dont get what you saying here. 14. Why are broken down vehicles so rare? if you were in a city there should be tons of vehicles to repair. I would think it would be better to make them spawn more just completely broken down. 15. Rare spawn shovels can be used for digging holes so you can either use it for cover while defending a position or to bury your items. 16. TRAPS and LOTS of VARIETY!!!-------------------- alll for it
  5. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Give Us a real bow

    like i said before you can nto be lugging around 200 arrows in a game its just OP
  6. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Play Dead?

    I think this is a pretty good idea the one problem i could see with it is that you can play dead then after they loot you(if they did not take your weapon) you can just get up and shoot them in the back.
  7. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Give Us a real bow

    thats exactly what i want
  8. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Make czech pouch useful

    I like that idea +1 another idea i had is that its is used to carry ammo but you dont have to but the ammo in your inventory. What i mean is you can just directly reload the clip from the backpack so you dont have to carry it over to your normal inventory.
  9. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    dayz non-pvp servers?

    not to be mean but that is a horrable idea. DayZ would be so much easier without pvp
  10. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Loot washing up along the shore line

    +1 a good idea
  11. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Give Us a real bow

    i get it you want everything super realistic, but this is a game and you have to balance everything you cant have people have 300+ arrows that woiuld be op
  12. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Ghillie suit zombies?

    +1 I like it, seems like it would be just a cool little addition to the game
  13. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Solution to all of your DayZ problems? MAKE FRIENDS

    this is true i hate people whining about how they are geting killed by bandits. IF you get a group you win very simple.
  14. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    New sense: Smell?

    lol i love it. I would love to bathe in coke lol.
  15. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    thermal = op

    I had a thermal gun once and i have been playing for 2 months now. Do you see my point they are so rare that it does not matter to much. Besides it not as tho there are thermal snipers, now that would be OP, the thermal gun has an effective range of only like 200 meters and is ment to be used at about 50. Its hard to aim with a slight with zoom at 50 meters it is not that op soo ya thats my speech lol hoped it liked it.
  16. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    Well Pvp is mayor part of the game take that out and the only danger would be zombie and they are not that dangerous. If a player wants to kill other players they can its just a different way to play. Putting bandits at a disadvantage is making someones way of playing harder, how would you like it if bandits got rewards for just being bandits its just not fare to give any style of play an advantage. Let people play how they want to play, if got a problem with bandits then go hunt them thats what i do.
  17. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Zombies after patch

    Ya i noctied this they are to smart or maybe they just seem that way cause you dont got a weapon either way it needs to be fixed
  18. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    Rocket said at a interview that he was going to test what works and what does not. He is just trying to make the game as good as he can everything will be fine a little bit
  19. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    A grapple bolt for the cross bow

    Ok so me and my friend where walking to the the castle in the middle of the map and we had the idea of a grapple gun bolt for the crossbow. It would be only able to be used once and would act like the batcaw from Batman: Arkham city. I think this would give a purpose to the crossbow ,maybe it would only spawn in deer hunts. Tell me what you think
  20. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    A grapple bolt for the cross bow

    Not a grapple gun but a type of ammo for for the crossbow and you can only use it once
  21. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    What should our next competition be?

    The next competition should be who can get the biggest horde and take a screen shot for it that would be funny as hell
  22. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    How much would you pay?

    I would pay 20-40 dollars for the game, i would hate to pay per life and i would pay for hats/skins
  23. The_Cake_Is_a_Spy109

    My First DayZ life

    Well i was in the city doing what i need to do then a zombie started chasing me so i killed it and the 12 that came after it. But then i ran out of ammo and 10 started chase so i am like oh fuck so i ran around the island and this is about half the horde that was chasing me. I think i had about a third of the zombies on the server chasing me this is only part of the horde.