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Everything posted by Cowb0ySMURF

  1. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    So I went out of town for a week and my (insert insult here) brother got me globally banned. I've read the stickeys, just had a few questions. Do I just have to re-buy Operation Arrowhead and change the CD key to be back gaming? When I go to buy OA in steam it says I've already bought it, and can't again. What do I do fellas? Sorry if these questions have been answered before, just give me a break, never thought I'd be asking this, as I hate hackers. Which my brother now knows. ;)
  2. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    Hey, thanks man. I'll try doing that here shortly and see how it goes. I'll be back to complain and harass you guys if it doesn't work. xD Thanks for being so patient, I'm cpu illiterate, just play the games haha.
  3. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    Haha, sorry if I was abrasive, just irritated. See, idk what buying scripts even means. =/ Combined Operations is what Day-z runs on correct? Sorry to keep pestering you guys. :(
  4. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    It's like there's an echo in here or something. :P Even if I wanted to hack, do you think I'd have the knowhow to hack, and then have to ask how to get the game working again? Logic OP. I made another steam account, deleted ARMA II and OA, getting ready to buy and download Combined Operations. That will work for day z buddy?
  5. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    I think he's a little liar. Because he's scared of what I'll do. I'll try this though, and see what happens.
  6. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    Excellent. So I'll just uninstall them both, start a new steam account, get ARMA 2: Free, BUY OA, install them, and I'll be good to go? Sorry to keep bothering you bro, you're just extremely helpful. No good deed goes unpunished right?
  7. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    He denies it up and down. I figured I can beat it out of him if I have to rebuy the games.
  8. Cowb0ySMURF

    Some help fellas?

    So I'm guessing I'll have to buy OA and ARMA: 2 again? Or just buy combined operations? Sorry, I'm new to steam, don't really like it much.