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Everything posted by shadow0240

  1. umm...... i think you have a problem? that came from way left field....u ok "mate"!? grow up a lil and maybe you will find a group!
  2. shadow0240

    uhhh, red(instead of white) bike icon?

    how did u see it on the map?
  3. engine, rotor, 8 glass, 4 scrap! all i saw
  4. umm... svd at night? i thought only the dmr was nvg compatible
  5. so explain to us how your looking for "heli" crash sites SOUTHWEST of zelenogorsk in the woods....? someone is upset that they got outplayed and want to run to the forums and cry about it when things dont go there way! requesting cleanup on thread please! thanks
  6. how are admins to log in in game now since battle eye is kicking for script? when i click on server control????? script restriction #54 ?? i dont have any scripts..
  7. shadow0240

    server control in game!

    forgot all about that! go so used to the control window! thanks
  8. shadow0240

    Pending Update: Build

    you realize when u goto debug all you have to do is ABORT! then rejoin.... and you will spawn at the coast... cause it doesn't save out of map location... and you keep your gear! i have done it a few times already! almost got pissed and panicked but i said lemme try it.. abort / rejoin. all my gear! just had to hike it back to where i was!
  9. shadow0240

    Lucky spawn location?!

    heli crash sites spawn once!!! and there loot spawns with it! he did not despawn loot,..
  10. i haven't had this issue since latest build! only thing i have found is that it replaces my coyote pack with an alice pack! kind of annoying..... but i just put my pack on the ground the 2nd time after i died to a spawn in......(good thing i found a camp with a few ghillie in it!) =)
  11. logged out last night with guille that i had for about a week.... patched today and log in and im wearing civilian clothing...?that hurt! no items lost except my cloths!
  12. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136172-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-93965-(1-60-MP-compatible-build-post-1-60-release)&s=f98749bff2d633c93ae2ab2e4a5d91ab OMFG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. shadow0240

    ( X ) <----<<< map

    x marks the spot! on map... how do you delete an x u accidently put down.. esp since everyone on the server with a map can SEE the x...... like srsly... please help! thanks
  14. shadow0240

    ( X ) <----<<< map

    wow! i feel retarded now!!!!!! lol thank you!didnt even think of that
  15. shadow0240


    so does vehicles reset when updates come? i just found a rib boat earlier and saved it WAY away from anything and went offline came back after update in same spot and boat is gone...... long walk =(