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About MitchP

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    New Zealand
  1. MitchP

    Craftable body armor

    My old 2nd gen Ipod shat out so i shot it with my .22, it didnt even go right through. And thats only a tiny, thin piece aluminium, so like AP said, 1/4 inch steel would probably stop 5.56, but it would be annoying as heel to lug a sheet of steel round on your chest!
  2. MitchP

    How to properly reintroduce .50s

    If they introduced guns like this it would stop people shooting you when you take them hostage and they drop their guns, but then shot you with a gun out of their pack. They'd be putting their gun together and you'd be able to kill them before they killed you! Since the SA is focusing on more civilian weapons I'd love to see the takedown .22 and maybe a .308 or 7mm08 Bagara Scout included!
  3. MitchP

    How to properly reintroduce .50s

    I have no experience with m4's and the other 'military' weapons, but Im guessing it would work somehow like that. Heres a picture of the ruger .22 I was talking about, its quite a simple concept really.
  4. MitchP

    How to properly reintroduce .50s

    This would be good, but unfortunately very few guns (rifles anyway) are made to be folded down into a backpack, obviously there are more than this but the only two I can think of are the Bagara scout and a Ruger .22, maybe these fold down type firearms could also be relatively rare?
  5. MitchP

    Standalone: Types of footwear

    That would be so cool! Would be an awesome way to get away from zombies
  6. If SA turned out like this then I would be all for the manuals. You have my beans!
  7. The DayZ helicopters are a hell of a lot different to real life helicopters, and gutting an animal is different than real life. It is made easier because this is just a video game. And who's going to give you those flight lessons if it was made like real life?
  8. Im sorry, but I think not being able to fly a helicopter because you dont have a manual on you is bullshit. Thats like saying we cant fire a gun if we dont have a firearms manual on us, its just not realistic. If you know how to fly a helicopter then you can fly a helicopter, the manual should just have the controls and maybe a few tactics for getting out of a heli fight. So then the noobs to flying helis can go to one, and fly it, they have still learned from the manual because they have read it and taken in the information. Bringing in the aspect of 'personal knowledge' so to speak
  9. MitchP

    Useless helicrashes

    I ran from Electro to Gorka then to Stary and then the NWAF the other day after being killed, in between Electro and Gorka I found 3 crashes, and from Gorka to the others I found another 4. I was pretty much set before I even got to my destination. If anything they need to be even rarer and spawn a few more guns at each site IMO.
  10. And I also have another request, my 5x L85's and 2 nvg's for 2 ghillies and a dmr?
  11. What would you like to trade?
  12. MitchP


    Even if they just slow down enough so I have enough time to take the driver out, then I can take the crew out because I have the element of surprise
  13. MitchP


    A good tactic I like to use for traps is to put 3 or 4 tank traps on the other side of a small rise and sit just off the side of the road and wait for a vehicle to come along and smash themselves up, then I kill the inhabitants and take their gear. And maybe the vehicle if I can repair it quick enough before they come back
  14. We have much in common! I tried sniping this fella while he was looting the Stary tents and I could't steady the shot, so I waited for him to run and shot him first time. I think its the fact that when they are staying still you have lots of time to take the shot and you end up thinking about it too much and doubting yourself, but when he's running for cover you dont think. You just line him up and take the shot.
  15. Thats a good idea! Imagine getting all excited about getting some good gear and then finding some pasta, hahaha.