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Everything posted by Injection

  1. Injection

    Dallas 48 Locked

    Dallas 48 has been locked with 1 or 3 players (they have switched it a few times) for the last couple hours. Not sure where else to put this hopefully its in the correct spot! Top - BR is the clan name that have been in there for a couple hours.
  2. Injection

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Played for 6 hours last night put on camouflage and stayed on for like 2-3hours then logged off for the night. Logged on this evening spawned in an ocean immediately logged out. First time I've had a DMR and I would not like to lose it :D Player Name: Injection PlayerID: 19477702 Thanks! (Correct me if this is the wrong place to post)