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About anon000

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    On the Coast
  1. anon000

    Fix for the artifacting.

    I think you meant "One step forwards, two steps back" and yes i totally agree.
  2. This is the 4th time i've ran out of the debug plains. This time i actually got to keep my equipment but it took me about 68 minutes to do so.
  3. Fair enough but when we are told they are fixed its kinda hard to tell they are still under attack.
  4. Player ID= 17614662 Date/Time: 6/26/2012 2:25pm Eastern What happened: Spawned in DEBUG forest (2nd time within a week) Where you were: Berezino Just South of military tents in Apartment building What you were doing: Walking up steps in apartment building *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: DayZ - US139 *Your system specs: Core 2 i5 8gb ram gtx 460 Win7 64bit *Timeline of events before/after error: Coming from military spawn walking into apartment buildings looking for loot. As i said this is the second time this has happend within a week. Makes the game pointless to play and frustrating to say the least. (I KNOW ITS AN ALPHA!!!!)
  5. Thanks for the reply guys.
  6. Hopefully this is the correct section to post this. Does anyone know how to keep this from happening? Sometimes it happens sometimes not. Thanks guys.