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Everything posted by GoldenPSP

  1. GoldenPSP

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Geez, Learn2Melee. I haven't played long enough to know how it "used" to be. But I melee zeds all the time. The hatchet is so OP. I rarely get infected. Antibiotics are a bit too rare though IMO.
  2. I have only been playing dayz about two months. I have only been playing on basically vanilla servers, or servers running mods that are a challenge (starting with 2 bandages and flares etc). I've been doing fine and having a blast.
  3. Hey everyone. Being relatively new I have been learning a lot about the quirks of this mod. One thing however has me a bit confused so I came here to get some tips to avoid future pitfalls. I understand that trying to put a weapon in a pack without sufficient space will eat it. I ran into an issue the other day that i did not expect. Here was the situation. i had my M4 equipped, with 5 magazines in my main equipment location. I had 2 free slots in my main equipment location as well. My pack had 11 free slots. I wanted to move my M4 into my pack in order to pick up another weapon I had found. i expected when I moved it, it would move my gun, and them it would move one magazine (since there was one additional slot on my pack) and leave the other 4 magazines where they were. Instead it tried to move all 5 magazines, and since there wasn't space I ended up losing 4. What would have been a better way to deal with this so I don't lose items?. I am guessing one option would have been to shuffle some items around so that i would have moved all 5 magazines into the pack first, and them move the gun. But this was a time sensitive situation so i was trying to avoid wasting unnecessary time.
  4. GoldenPSP

    Understanding Inventory quirks

    Yea tried that last night. Worked better.
  5. GoldenPSP

    Understanding Inventory quirks

    I understand. I don't know that would have worked in this case. In this case I wasn't trying to swap a weapon between my pack and main. I was trying to put my only weapon in my pack to then pick up a new one. Although in hind sight i could have picked up the weapon off the ground directly into my pack and then swapped them with this method. Yea mostly. The barracks floor seems to have a habit of eating gear that drops though. Lost my M4SD that way.
  6. I guess it depends in what environment we are talking. Current Dayz/Arma2 is pretty much unfixable in these aspects. Future games sure it would be nice.
  7. I would like to respectfully disagree, at least a little. I do like and prefer first person, even when driving most vehicles. But there are some vehicles that translate pretty badly to a computer game, and it can make them very difficult to deal with in first person. This is primarily the small vehicles, motorcycle, ATV, bicycle. Try driving any of these, especially offroad, in first person and it becomes an exercise in frustration. Now yes even IRL the ride gets pretty bouncy. But also IRL our bodies, eyes etc have an amazing ability to steady our view quite a bit in the midst of the bouncy ride. But in game its much more like a fixed view. If there was a way to have a bit of a "steadycam" effect when driving these vehicles, I'd be all for it. Otherwise I find these particular ones mostly usable only in 3rd person. The only other area is when backing up. Again IRL I can shift my entire torso, bend around and get a good view out of the back of the vehicle, that simply isn't achievable in game. But this is less of an issue than the above one and could be dealt with.
  8. Well actually yea it is. This issue is not limited to Dayz. It is an issue that exists for ALL games that have privately hosted servers. Minecraft, Team fortress 2, Counterstrike, the list goes on. I have had good luck finding servers that don't require donations, and have a fun group of people playing on them.
  9. GoldenPSP

    New players are so impatient!

    Cool story bro.
  10. Loafy, The server referenced in this thread is gone. The server you were on today (with me) is a brand new one that just happened to get the exact same address. Threw me off when I logged in and the heli I had almost repaired was gone.
  11. So I saw this thread and added the server to my favorites. It was offline. Been watching it go online and offline over the last few days. Decided to try it. Ran around elektro for about 5 minutes picking up the essentials. Then bam the server went down for about 5 minutes. I logged back in at the location where the server had gone down but without any gear at all. Bottom line is you server seems about as stable as my bat shit crazy mother in law.
  12. well that didn't last long :(
  13. GoldenPSP

    UAZ repairs, confused

    So I am still relatively new. I managed to find a UAZ and went to repair it. According to the wiki I'd need 4 tires. But the UAZ status seemed to show 8 red tires. 4 standard ones, and then 4 that were like FR2 etc. Once i repaired the 4 regular tires the vehicle would run and seems to run fine, but it still shows like there are 4 more damaged tires. What gives? Not that it matters much. I got it repaired right before leaving for a week, so I highly doubt it will still be there when I get back.
  14. GoldenPSP

    Gas stations

    I happened upon a location that according to the Dayzdb map looked like a gas station, but it wasn't the symbol that indicates a fuel tank. Obviously there was no tank to refill jerry cans. I think I read or saw a video once that showed you could hover over these with a heli to refuel. Is that the case? Does it also refuel vehicles if you drive up close?
  15. Hey, I just found your server and have played on it for the last day or so. I hope you can gain some popularity and population. I have only started playing Dayz in the last month and definitely enjoy Vanilla. I have been a bit frustrated with the public hive servers, as there seem to be a fair number of issues/bugs lately causing them to become unavailable or throw weird script errors after reboots. The only thing personally I'd love is for crosshairs to be off. otherwise I hope you can get more people and keep the server going. its fun so far. I will be telling my friends to try it out as well. [edit] Also just as an FYI. Upon my first disconnect and later log back in I encountered the cloning glitch outlined in this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/141326-1771-cloning-glitch/ the server was not lagging or anything.
  16. So after getting totally hooked on this game I of course have thought of the next logical step, which is to setup a server. There are tons of resources on buying servers as well as specs for running your own. But there were some things I couldn't find so I figured I would ask. First off, I am thinking of running my own(not renting a server). I own a small IT consulting company, and we rent 1/4 rack of space at a data center to run our internal servers (email etc yada yada). It has dual 10MB connectiong with essentially unlimited bandwidth. I have excess capacity with our servers, but our entire system is virtualized. As long as I can give the virtual server the appropriate resources can a dayz server run within a virtual server? Or does it need an actual real server instance?
  17. Just curious, but doesn't this apply?
  18. GIven the nature of these forums, I think first and foremost an admin needs to have at least a minor grasp of English, and not what you run through google translate. Just sayin'
  19. GoldenPSP

    Thinking of starting a server

    Gotcha, Follow up question I also meant to ask. Can you run a Dayz server from a 2008R2 core install?
  20. GoldenPSP

    Thinking of starting a server

    KVM? All I know of KVM's would be Keyboard/video/monitor switch? Or was the K an accidental typo?
  21. GoldenPSP

    Repair Motorcycles

    Is everything repaired? If it shows fuel tank in red with a 0 then you need to repair the fuel tank first as well
  22. GoldenPSP

    Here me out on this one, FOOD Chain in DayZ

    Only if your controls work as if you had the intelligence of said animal. IE, as a rabbit you run away at the sign of danger.
  23. GoldenPSP cloning glitch.

    Super agreed. in a game where items are supposed to be rare, and part of the survival is trying to find the items you need to survive, being able to turn say, 1 antibiotics to 10 without even doing anything (ie hacking etc) other than logging off and back on is a major issue.
  24. Capn, I can say I believe your opinion is flawed. I don't think at its root the problem is with game mechanics (aka how easy/hard sniping is). But I do believe that the biggest issue is with game bugs. As I have said multiple times now, IMO the biggest issue is/has been with how easy it is to dupe items. To use me as an example, as I have also said before, I'm still fairly new (few weeks). My first luck was in finding an M14 at a fire station. I was so excited, except it had no ammo. So I carried it around a bit but ultimately dumped it on the ground as I couldnt find a single DMR clip to use with it. I then got super lucky at the NWA. I found a M9SD. I almost never use this however as I only have 3 mags for it. I also found a M14CCO, which I haven't fired a single shot with yet. Why? Because I have only found 2 stanag mags for it. But then I have run across places where I see 5 identical standing corpses, loaded with so much gear it is more than any one player could even use. When a player can dupe more DMR's, with mags, and everything else they need with almost no effort, what else is left to do? Oh yea go snipe people. And where should they go? Probably the most populated cities on the map. IMO they need to figure out how to finally squash the duping problem. Then every server needs to be wiped clean of all camps/tents/ and gear so everyone starts again from scratch.
  25. Lone Warrior, I am sorry I did not connect the dots for you better. You clearly needed more dots. Your post, to summarize, was "stop blaming the victim" (see I did read it). My reply was, to summarize "we aren't blaming the victim, we are blaming the player who comes whining about being the victim and wants game mechanics to change because they don't like being the victim." Additionally, the post I was replying to said NOTHING about hackers, combat loggers, and other various cheaters which you claim in your follow post to be talking about. To that I would reply with the same thing I have told my wife of 20 years. As much as I have tried I am not a mind reader. And no I'm not one of those players. I've only been playing so far about 3 weeks. I've been shot and killed a number of times. And I have been saved/helped by several wonderful players.