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Everything posted by GoldenPSP

  1. It isn't blaming the victim. It's blaming the whiner. This is a game. Within the game of Dayz, the "hill sniper" is playing a 100% valid playstyle. It may be unpopular, but it is valid and within the rules. Likewise the Survivor trying to evade the hill sniper is playing a 100% valid playstyle. The problem is when someone decides they don't like someone elses playstyle, and then wants the game changed to suit their opinion of how the game should be. Dayz is a pretty much free for all, sandbox style MMO'ish FPS. All bandits, KOS players etc are perfectly valid playstyles. If you don't like that, then maybe the game is not for you. Or maybe you should setup your own private server and only invite those who play like you do. Now that being said, I would agree that there are elements of Dayz right now that do need to be fixed, and that do encourage the bandit playstyle. The key one being (as I have stated in other threads) is the duping bugs that makes it far too easy to not only gear up, but end up with so many spares of high quality items, that "surviving" becomes a moot point. But this isn't "changing the rules" it's fixing the bugs.
  2. GoldenPSP

    DayZ "Gameplay Suggestion" Bias (Rant)

    I haven't been playing all that long. And I haven't had many negative encounters with bandits. But then again I have only been to Elektro and Cherno once each. There are lots of things I could go into, but honestly I think one of the biggest issues right now is the duping bug. It's so easy (it's happened to me without trying) that you can quickly gear up to the point there really isn't much else to do, so you go to the most populated areas and blow off some mags of ammo. To put it in perspective, I finally last week found an M14, but no ammo. I was so excited, but ulitmately dropped it as I couldn't find even one DMR mag in like forever. Then one day I happened across 4 standing corpses, all identical. These corpses were tricked out. Ghillie suits, M9SD, DMR and probably 20-30 mags of ammo plus assorted goodies. When someone can do that, you can quickly have more weaponry and ammo than you could almost even use. Basically there is little you can do for game mechanics while this exists.
  3. Hey all, Maybe this isn't appropriate, but I don't know where else to ask. I am actually posting to ask about a ban a friend of mine received. I bought the game a few weeks ago during the steam sale and bought a second copy for my friend. We had found a server that we were playing on together, when out of the blue while he was running he got kicked saying he was banned. The ban message looked like this: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/633037019404295462/D71492E44E85830C7F6244757155354EB342434A/ It is only this one server. We talked to the server admin who did not show his GUID as being on the ban list and said it was a known bug. The thing is if it is a bug it hasn't cleared up. Is there any recourse/workaround for this? I don't even know if this is a server ban (like an arma2 thing) or battleye ban, so I wasn't sure where to even go looking for answers. So i figured I would start here. BTW the server was US47 Thanks
  4. GoldenPSP

    Banned from a single server-US47

    Edited. I had to look it up. At the beach for the annual family vacation.
  5. GoldenPSP

    Anti's & Stuff

    Antibiotic suppository
  6. I love these. Especially when the OP tries to make it sound like they just graduated from university and are trying to make it sound like their graduate dissertation.' And no I'm not a bandit. I'm relatively new but decided to go the hero route, not necessarily because I'm a nice guy (although I am) but it seems the bigger challenge. But in response to your too long essay, it is quite simple. They camp the hills to get responses like this. Your tears drive them
  7. GoldenPSP

    Repair Motorcycles

    Scroll the mousewheel when looking at the vehicle. It will show items in red with "0" for the value (meaning 100% broken). find the appropriate parts to fix Wheels, you need wheels Fuel tank needs fuel tank parts engine needs engine parts windows need windscreen glass Hull needs scrap metal
  8. GoldenPSP

    New server poll :)

    I'm still new to playing Dayz, so I'm still enjoying just the vanilla server life. I like the rarity of items and so forth. I've hopped on a few private hives where you start out with too much gear (IMO) and has way too many vehicles available. Personally I think it kills the idea behind trying to survive the zombie outbreak. So for me I'd prefer more vanilla. More buildings etc wouldn't be bad. Even starting with maybe a hatchet wouldn't be horrible (it's easy enough to find one in the first city you scavenge). But otherwise I think items should be rare.
  9. GoldenPSP

    Banned from a single server-US47

    Yea we started on an alternate server. Like I had mentioned we talked to the server admin on their teamspeak and he swears he could not find him on the ban list. That being said, he only asked about the GUID not IP. I did not know to ask what admin tool he uses, as I'm still just learning how to play this game, much less run a server. The server was sorta annoying anyhow. Public hive and vanilla, but 4 hour reboots which half the time afterwards the server was unavailable.
  10. GoldenPSP

    Why People Shoot On Sight And How To Fix That

    this is working together. also you need a bandit friend. Didn't say it wasn't working together. But this thread wasn't about just working together, it's about lowering the KOS mentality. This "team" would likely still KOS anyone else.
  11. GoldenPSP

    Playing The DayZ Mod

    Yes. You just need a licensed copy of operation arrowhead (which I believe is part of combined ops) Without the steam copy you would just have to download and install the mod manually
  12. GoldenPSP

    APG gaming

    50+ Heli's on a public hive server? Didn't know you could do that. And why? What's the fun of survival when there's practically a heli per person?
  13. GoldenPSP

    Why People Shoot On Sight And How To Fix That

    Except it doesn't. [edit] To elaborate, your premise on why people KOS is flawed. And your proposed solutions do little to counteract the KOS mentality. People will KOS because they can. Making the game harder makes looting a player you just killed still more value. Killing a player is more risky? So a bandit can work with a bandit friend, one sniping from afar, the other sneaking through town looting the corpse. Either way, there is still little incentive to work together.
  14. GoldenPSP

    Infection system overhaul

    Personally I love the current mechanics. I'm pretty new, so I don't know how it "used to be". In most of the zombie genre, just getting scratched by a zombie is a death sentence. At least here there is a chance for a cure. It also makes total sense for medical supplies to be hard to find.
  15. GoldenPSP cloning glitch.

    It seems that "fixes" don't help. The issue definitely seems to be server lag related. I've only been playing Dayz for a few weeks. I hopped into a server the other day that was lagging bad. I disconnected to hop onto another server that was working better, but instead I accidentally reconnected to the same server. When I logged back in I was standing next to my standing corpse. The server had Dupe-Fix in the server name as well.
  16. Greetings fellow capsuleer. I just started with dayz but I do enjoy the same feeling as I get playing eve as well
  17. GoldenPSP

    Should be finally joining tomoz.

    I held off until arma2 went on sale during steams summer sale. Biggest mistake of MY LIFE. Dayz is worse than crack (or so I've heard). I'm gone for a week with the family at the beach and I'm going through serious Dayz withdrawl. My son is doing better with his Minecraft withdrawl than I am.
  18. GoldenPSP

    DayZ zombies running inside

    I've also noticed some "buildings" are not the same as others. That barn in particular they seem to be able to run and walk. I never engage them at ground level, but instead let them come up the stairs.
  19. GoldenPSP

    PvP Montage

    Seriously. That was like Dayz Trippy edition. Stopped after 30sec. Shame because it looked like it could be good.
  20. GoldenPSP

    Melee is now Pointless

    I'm still relatively new here, but you get my first can of beans +1
  21. GoldenPSP

    Melee is now Pointless

    Based off your OP, you made a very bold statement that "Melee is now pointless" I don't need to know how YOU play. How you play is irrelevant. All I need to know is how "I" play to be able to say definitely that your assertion is false. Now I've only had Dayz maybe 2 weeks. So I don't know how it "used to be". I was getting infected constantly on my first couple days. Since learning how to play this game (things like the infected zeds are the ones with the high probablility of giving infection, the others not so much). I have been infection free. My primary weapon remains a hatchet. I've killed tons of zombies in the last couple days alone, looking for car parts in factory locations. I've been hit maybe twice and no infection. So to respond to your global assertion that "melee is pointless" is that you are flat out wrong. Maybe it is pointless to you. But you didn't make that clarification. And no I'm not attacking your delivery, just your (lack of) content. So far I'm freaking loving this game, infection rates and all. And melee weapons are my first choice when scavenging for supplies.
  22. GoldenPSP

    Melee is now Pointless

    The OP was a 5 sentence whine with an over the top subject. Two pages in you complain that you are basically just being berated. With an OP like that what did you honestly expect. The fist post of a thread sets the stage for what will follow. If you were trying to set the stage for a meaningful discussion you utterly failed.
  23. GoldenPSP

    Melee is now Pointless

    You did? Because this was your OP: Where were these calculated premises and rational conclusions?
  24. GoldenPSP

    The motivation to play

    Such is the nature of a "sandbox" environment. You are in control of your enjoyment. Unlike a "themepark" style game that has content ready for you to "ride" For me It's a matter of setting personal "goals". Like "Find and repair a vehicle for my use". Or "make it through cherno at prime time alive" In some cases sandbox games just aren't for everyone