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Everything posted by ethorik

  1. 112th Black Raven Battalion Recruitment Briefing: The 112th is a well trained organized mercenary group. They were sent to Chernarus to aid the US Government in evacuating surviving populace and assisting of the quarantine of the country so surrounding countries wouldn't be affected by the deadly infectious virus. However, Aegis reentered to patrol and try to stim the virus and deal with looters and others taking advantage of the chaos in the country. We are tactical realism clan that focuses on group tactics and superiority to win the daily struggle for Chernarus many cities and airports. We play as a class based group which means Assault, support, sniper, medic, etc. We hope to see you bolster our numbers so we can bring order to a chaotic world. 112th Black Raven Battalion Recruitment Guidelines Be at least the age of 16 Have a microphone Have the ability to use teamspeak Maturity is mandatory English language only Here at 112th we take our gaming seriously and as such are looking for members who want to play seriously and have fun doing so if you are interested in joining 112th please apply below. We play Overpoch majority of the time. Application Template: Apply @ http://blackravengaming.org/ *On the website please goto the recruitment tab and apply there. *if younger than the specified age requirement please still apply as we do allow a small amount of allocated younger members! *Any applications made to me or through this forum thread will be ignored however, if the website is down you may message me through here or @ my skype ethorik.
  2. Now playing on EU Taviana Overpoch
  3. Applications being accepted still.
  4. Saxon secure and Missions are impound
  5. FOB Saxon Constructed. Securing sector and setting patrols.
  6. Several Operations succuessful. Applications are open.
  7. ethorik

    Looking for a overpoch group

    Give us a try. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/146400-112th-black-raven-battalion-modsaarma3/
  8. Operation Aid Succeussful
  9. Sir please add me on skype @ ethorik, i have attempted to make contact with a lot of people and no ones has added me either via skype or steam,
  10. Operation Killfarm Goal: Kill as many players as possible. Our Kills: 18 Our Deaths: 1 We also gained a camo suv, a armoured GPK Humvee.
  11. base secured and operations gurannteed.
  12. Outer wall of base Secure. No ground troops currently able to get in other than for a while.
  13. Base being secured. Base location determined a little hostile, mission still a go.
  14. We're currently relocating our primary base, to the coast for Sea Extraction Missions. Stand by.
  15. Base setup. Mission Succuessful. During the overhaul 17 enemies were eliminated. Only 4 Friendlies were confirmed KIA.
  16. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/146400-112th-black-raven-battalion-modsaarma3/ I think a tactical Gaming Clan might interest you everyone in it is at least 16, majority older. Let us know.
  17. Succuessful mission. Complete osprey gained(sold), little bird that showed up pilot dead(sold), "Harry cry baby" dead
  18. Post. Thread re opened. Due to the return of us to overpoch.
  19. Please goto on our website. and make an application.
  20. Its already been dealt with. Bump.
  21. Added what i believed to be your skype. Please verify. If not add my account with the same name as this forum name i am currently under.
  22. ethorik

    Frames issue

    So my friend got standalone he can play every game great on ultra hes 100 plus frames when not near a town or city. but if hes looks at a city or town and hes drops to like 15 or below and its completetely unplayable. We tried some streamers suggestions and they didn't work. Has anyone had this issue? i had this issue on some servers on the mod of overwatch where people would have there own addons but no matter the server it doesnt matter. Any got suggestions?
  23. ethorik

    Frames issue

    He's not playing ultra. Hes on low with everything disabled. lol. I got 30 frames in cities he gets 10.