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Everything posted by D3hydratedWater

  1. D3hydratedWater

    Moving Arma and DayZ to another PC

    Are you trying to do this to obtain multiple DayZ characters? If so this won't work, all character data is tied to your player ID which is tied to your cd key. Doing this would not give you a new cd key, you would have to buy more copies of ArmA 2 in order to get new cd keys.
  2. D3hydratedWater

    us87 NwO camp

    Flattened, you decided to act immature and jump channel to channel in teamspeak annoying other users, and we received constant complaints about this for weeks. So we kicked you out. Then you begged us to let you back in saying you were going to act more mature. Looks like it was a good thing we didn't let you back in. And on posting the base location, I honestly don't care since I no longer play DayZ, however I know our people are looking for a good fight.
  3. D3hydratedWater

    Will it run? DayZ on a Macbook Pro BootCamp

    Short answer, no.
  4. D3hydratedWater

    Banned from US87

    Who is hosting the server?
  5. Uh, I don't know if you know this but you just posted yourself editing your mission file. Which by DayZ rules is a blacklisting offense. EDIT: Also to anyone wondering how to enable that, we cannot, because it's in the mission file and not the server config file.
  6. D3hydratedWater

    Banned for combat logging

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32223-staff-need-clarification-on-ban-able-offenses/ Here's the link saying combat logging is a banable offense. Also I thought this was my server, granted I haven't banned anyone recently.
  7. D3hydratedWater

    kandins DAYZ SANCTUARY admin abuse*vid*

    No it's a mod that changes the DayZ hive into a private hive. Those admins can whatever they want.
  8. D3hydratedWater

    kandins DAYZ SANCTUARY admin abuse*vid*

    DayZ Sanctuary is in no way connected with DayZ.
  9. D3hydratedWater

    Bullying, Can or cannot ban if it is constant?

    Read my post, it's not against the rules, you can opt to have it on. I will dig up the post on it if I have to. EDIT: I looked around and servers were able to to opt for side chat but it is no longer allowed. However like I said earlier we have a very old mission file and it is still enabled within that file. Also like I said I'm pushing to get a new one.
  10. D3hydratedWater

    Bullying, Can or cannot ban if it is constant?

    For those saying side chat is against the rules it is not. Rocket does not like side chat being enabled but he does see the necessity of it for some servers. We do want side chat to be removed, I've been pushing for it with the leader of our clan but he has yet do to anything. We cannot edit the mission file for that is against the rules so we must wait for a new mission file.
  11. D3hydratedWater

    US 485 banned for lagging out.....

    It's fine, I'm just sick of people running around the forums throwing the word "blacklist" around when they themselves don't know the rules.
  12. D3hydratedWater

    US 485 banned for lagging out.....

    You can ban for this, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32223-staff-need-clarification-on-ban-able-offenses/, read Ander's post in this thread.
  13. Script restrictions are per server, they can also be very strange at times.
  14. D3hydratedWater

    Arma 2 CO Update - 1.62

    Has anyone updated their server to this and can confirm DayZ works? I would happily do it but I would rather not re-download ArmA 2 if it breaks it. We run more than just DayZ servers. :<
  15. D3hydratedWater

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    Now hosting this on US87 and US88, we'll see how it works. :D
  16. D3hydratedWater

    US 78

    Side chat is allowed, rocket doesn't like it but he sees the necessity of it. Server can opt to have it on. Currently we are in the process of getting a new mission file to remove it since we have had problems with people spamming mics.
  17. D3hydratedWater

    Banned at us89 Incredible

    And how wrong you are. There is a grey area for banning for ghosting and disconnecting to avoid death. Some servers do it, some don't. However I'm giving him a second chance but I can't get his GUID since he posted it on our forums and our web server has been down. Dormio, if you can post your GUID here I can help solve this.
  18. D3hydratedWater

    Banned from NY25

    Because scripts are collected in different ways, also there are ways to hide scripts. Usually the noobs are the ones that get caught, however there are plenty of hackers I can't get proof from logs on because they can completely bypass battleye.
  19. D3hydratedWater

    [DayZ Zombie RPG - LA19] - Admin Abuse

    Sabione, out of all the reasons you listed the only legitimate reason the DayZ dev's stated for a ban was vulgar language. As a server admin you should know what is banable and what isn't. Unfortunately, you cannot make up your own rules.
  20. D3hydratedWater


    Give me your in-game name and GUID if possible.
  21. D3hydratedWater

    Banned from NY25

    No, that's not what happened. You spawned a car, 04.07.2012 06:32:34: MaTMaN (IPREMOVED) 4b52fdfb4dfc79c3d06be6efa4b1bc8f - #9 MyScripts\cargo.sqf"; _car = "TT650_Civ" createVehicleLocal (position player);
  22. D3hydratedWater

    NwO disconnecting before death video

    This is an old video, it was only uploaded recently. Secondly these members were dealt with after the incident. Also the person admitted to it in chat (you can see in the video) and was confirmed to be a hacked and was banned promptly. Also this thread does not belong here, although we do not condone disconnecting before death. What we don't want: - Oh my friend said he saw a cheater. - Oh this cheater is streaming. - This guy went through a building because obviously it was lag! - OH HE/SHE DISCONNECTED BEFORE I COULD KILL THEM! - My mom made me post this That's quoted from the sticky in cheat reporting.
  23. D3hydratedWater

    To NWO from CQF

    Our ban list is very short, also just like CQF we generally keep to our own server and people are required to be in TS if they're playing. Also I do agree that we need to "get our house in order", right now stuff is sloppy in a sense but soon we'll be getting a new website and users will have to re-register and this will allow us to weed out inactives. Also with our new website we will have squad XML's and with this we will know who is actually in the clan and who is not, and so will you.
  24. D3hydratedWater

    Server Abuse?

    I'm one of the main server admins for NWO. The server restarts in the past few days have been to remove hacked items or take the server down to look a script logs and ban hackers that are kill scripting. I don't restart the server when our bases are raided, and I honestly haven't played DayZ for about 3 days now since I'm afraid to loose my gear to hackers. Also, we have no way to my knowledge of rolling back the server, only the DayZ dev's can roll back anything since all information concerning gear is written to the main database and not the server itself. If you do believe that the server was restarted to prevent a camp from being raided please contact me and I'll make sure to report whoever took the server down to our leader. Sorry that you think this, and please know that our server restarts have no malicious intent.