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About Deceptor

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    I woke up on a beach. With only some beans, a flare, and some water. I see a zombie throw my flare at it and run like hell!
  1. Deceptor

    DayZ Meets Hollywood!

    The ending was the best.
  2. Deceptor

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    Most people refer to him as a hacker.
  3. Deceptor

    Your First Kill

    Guy went on side chat saying if anyone was at light house, I said I saw the flare he threw at the light house. I then began crawling to the light house got to the ladder climbed up and said hi, I then proceeded to put my whole mag in his face while he said something in Spanish on side chat.
  4. Deceptor

    DayZ Funtage #2!

    I saw a Decepter he is a impostor.
  5. Deceptor

    A video of revenge

    Took you awhile to kill the first guy he just took hit after hit.
  6. Deceptor

    Mouse acting weird

    Make sure the mouse smoothing in controls is all the way down.
  7. Deceptor

    DayZ Mouse Lag

    Also if you have not already turn mouse smoothing all the way down in controls.
  8. Deceptor

    DayZ Journal

    Watched the first episode of the Journal, and I like it so far I plan on watching some more episodes tomorrow.
  9. Deceptor

    Join our new private hive :D

    Could you tell us what gear you start with? Or how common cars are as well.
  10. Proof is right there, and you shooting that guy with a full mag should have killed him in one hit. And then the guy jumps off the building without gettting hurt. Hope these two people get banned :D
  11. Deceptor

    US 435

    This report is more of something that happened, that was funny. Server: US 435 Time: 1:02am GMT+1 What happened: Alright my friend was at NW airfield on this server, and he was about to leave when. Some guy with a hatchet started chasing him, my friend had a DMR with a lot of ammo, and he put 3 rounds into the guy. They guy said "hahaha you think bullets can hurt me?" on his mic in direct chat. My friend would have died but he kept running, my friend finally asked what the guy wanted the guy's exact words "I want your beans." Then finally the guy left my friend alone after 45+KM, he must have gotten bored or something. But really my friend puts three rounds into this guy and he does not die. I would have a name to tell you who the guy was but the server is Veteran. I hope you enjoy reading this, and I hope hackers get stopped :).
  12. Not bad shooting, I am a friendly, but if people act dumb like that they will die :P
  13. Deceptor

    I'm fed up now.

    Have fun doing that, I see your future all of you getting sniped in NW airfield by one lonely bandit.
  14. Deceptor

    How well geared are you?

    I do not know why that shit is at the bottom I joined a random server :P.