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Jack Booted Thug

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About Jack Booted Thug

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  1. Jack Booted Thug

    BMRF - The Whitelisted Private Hive You Will Love!

    Been playing on the BMRF servers for quite a while now and I have found them to have very fair and firm admins. They really keep the gaming environment BS free. I currently play on the whitelisted DayZ Origins First Person Only server and the experience has been great. Some really good groups play on this server and the first person only really adds a lot of depth (no peeking over walls). It also is a lot more fun flying choppers in first person once you get used to it. So I highly recommend any of the BMRF servers.
  2. Jack Booted Thug

    HTR Unity Lingor Server Admin Abuse - "PVT. Cloakedsphere"

    That which is in bold and underlined is simply untrue,. Whether you are mistaken or lying I do not know. Bri spent 20 minutes running back to his body, it was not 20-30 secs. We had a third guy on overwatch which you simply did not know about.
  3. Jack Booted Thug

    Looking for a decent private server

    YachtRockers has been a good server for me. We been using it for the past week. Panthera map, wihitelisted with no hackers at all. www.yachtrockers.org
  4. I have been playing on the Yachtrockers Panthera server over the past week and have found it to be a very good server. Low ping with no exploiters so far. It is whitelisted so people have ot join, let it kick them, then posts a whitelist request at www.yachtrockers.org I would like to see more people on it though as currently in the evening there is consistently about 10-12 people. That is why I thought i would post the server here. You can search for the server simply by filtering for "Yacht" with DayZ commander.
  5. Jack Booted Thug

    DayZ Namalsk

    I have the exact same problem.
  6. A couple of friends and I were playing on this server. Lingor HTR Unity We got in a good sniper battle. I was killed by one guy and then one of my friends killed the guy who killed me. Our third guy was sneaking around and got shot too. Our surviving guy changed position and went overwatch on the bodies and got a kill about 20 mins later when someone went to loot. Then me and the other friend got back to loot our bodies but my friend was again shot by someone near him. Our guy on overwatch then shot this guy and then the admin raged and accused our guy, who he had just killed, of teleporting and promptly banned him. Then when we called the admin out on his behaviour he banned the rest of us. Good game HTR Unity Lingor Admin "PVT. Cloakedsphere." It was actually pretty tense and fun until you, a very sore loser, had to throw your tantrum and console yourself with your big banstick power. As if real hackers are not enough of a problem in DayZ, you just have to top it off with stupid misguided judgments. I wonder how many other people you have banned for no valid reason. I bet quite a few.
  7. Jack Booted Thug

    Banned from Born to Lose Private Hive

    I think it was a mistake. I was unbanned after a friend requested it in the sidechat.
  8. I had not played on Born to Lose for awhile. I logged in up north and was running to a location where a friend has left a vehicle and all of a sudden I get kicked and banned for hacking. Player name was "Scott" I have never run any scripts on this game nor have I ever hacked. Any info on the reason I was banned would be appreciated. If it was a mistake made by the admin I would appreciate to be unbanned as I have a few mates who play on that server. Thankyou.
  9. Jack Booted Thug

    Recruiting more survivors!

    I sent a pm. I don't currently need any gear and I have a pretty good grasp of the game.
  10. Jack Booted Thug

    Solution for Alt-F4 and Server Hopping

    No-one is forcing you to read the post. This is an area for suggestions and after some careful consideration I decided to make one. If a group of players want to farm the north or south barracks at the airfield they may go about it via setting up a secure overwatch perimeter and designate a few players to do the farming. When players can just teleport right into the barracks themselves or just outside it is hardly the immersive gameplay that Dayz is attempting to create, tis more like Beam Me Up Scotty in such a scenario. You may enjoy server hopping directly to loot locations one server after another but that is closer to a "grinding" mechanic than a simulation. If that is your preference then fine fell free to make your own suggestions but to call those who have a differing view to "die" in the sense that they ought to just piss off and shut their clapper paints you as an insecure fool. :) Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  11. Three Main Problems. 1. Players disconnect when under threat to avoid dying and losing their gear. 2. Some players will disconnect when ambushed, switch servers and flank their ambushers and then go back to the original server. 3. Players server hop the more valuable loot areas. 4. Server hoppers frequently spawm inside secured zones set up by other players who are working together. The above four problems destroy the immersive gameplay dynamic of Dayz. Solutions. 1. Players wishing to disconnect within 800 metres of cities or valuable loot areas have to endure a 10 minute countdown timer before their disconnection takes effect. Players can leave the game but their character remains in the server until the countdown is complete. Players who have to rush off and do something in real life just need to find a quite corner and lie down and hope that they are not killed. 2. Players cannot spawn their characters within 500-800m of primary loot locations, ie. cities. This would prevent server hopping to flank and players infiltrating a secure area set up by a team of players. Most combat occurs within an estimated 500-800m of primary loot locations. 3. A 2 to 5 minute disconnect option without a timer would be enabled for players when they "first" join a particular server in case they have a bad ping or server issues. This would facilitiate groups of players who are seeking a decent server to play on together avoiding a penalty for server hopping for this purpose. The above disconnect timer would also hinder a lot of the quick item/weapon duping many players are doing regularly. The above two solutions would eliminate the 4 main problems I listed initially. Server hoppers would have to actually infiltrate each new location rather than just spawn in 30m away. This would make setting up a secure perimeter for farming operations very worthwhile for teams, and players would no longer be able to disconnect and flank other players when ambushed. In regards to Respawn being deactivated in 7.2.4, I think respawn should only be disabled for the first 15 minutes of a new characters life thus hackers/griefers would not be able to take advantage of a disabled respawn and cause havoc by breaking the legs of players in order to destroy the playability of said players. Constructive thoughts?
  12. Jack Booted Thug

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    You can change server and spawn then move away and switch back to your chosen server. Problem solved. Good suggestion in OP.
  13. Jack Booted Thug

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    A hacker can also delete your gear. What happens when a hacker deletes everyone's gear and then breaks their legs? With no respawn you will have the ultimate grief. Implement a respawn delay of 10 to 15 minutes on new characters and people would not be inclined to continually respawn for a better position.
  14. Jack Booted Thug

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Respawn should work for those with broken legs. Otherwise you will have griefers who prowl the coast knee capping players and leaving them. Also hackers have the ability to break the legs of every player on the server. What happens then? There will be a mass exodus from the game when this happens. Very few will want to crawl across the map in search of morphine. Implementing a 10 minute respawn delay on new spawns would avoid the server lag issues caused by people seeking better spawn points.