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About xx984

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. 1] Nickname: Delta 2] Region(Country): UK 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: Delta or xx9845, both should work 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: since august 2013 7] How many Clans have you been In: 1, but a small one 8] Previous experience: I am a experienced littlebird pilot and quite confident when other helos 9] How many bandits have you killed: too many to count 10] Are you willing to help other players: Yes
  2. xx984

    [RSG] Recruiting!

    Then delete the one in the mod section
  3. Hello, I currently play with 2 other guys on the CCG Servers, we play on CCG EU Overpoch 2 and are looking for more people, PM me if you are interested and i will share more infomation
  4. xx984

    [RSG] Recruiting!

    If you mainly play the standalone then fucking post in the standalone section not the mod section
  5. xx984

    Black Militia [BM]

    Denied, sorry, try adding more infomation
  6. xx984

    Black Militia [BM]

    Steam Request Sent
  7. xx984

    Black Militia [BM]

    Steam request sent
  8. xx984

    Black Militia [BM]

    Currently the other BM leaders are offline, I will get back to you when they are online and say if they think you should join or not
  9. Black Militia Black Militia is a small Overpoch clan We are looking to expand and recruit more players into our group We currently play on CCG Overpoch EU 2 Requirements: 1: Be mature 2: Respect all BM members 3: Dont steal from any BM members 4: Dont kill any BM member (Friendly fire or team kill happens if it was a accident say) 5: Dont always KoS, We are bandits but KoS is not always fun 6: You are expected to have [bM] in your name 7: Dont ask for promotions 8: Once you get accepted come on TS3 to get sorted out Application: 1: In-Game name: 2: Age: 3: Location: 4: How active within our clan will you be: 5: Do you have TS3 With a microphone?: 6: Steam name: 7: How long have you been playing DayZ: 8: Experience in DayZ: 9: How many clans have you been in: 10: Are you willing to take players hostage?: 11: What role would you like?: Once you get accepted i will PM you the TS3 Ip
  10. Age does not depend on what maturity you have, sometimes it does E.G 7-10 year olds but 11-18 does not really matter, i for example am 14 and i am mature, i admit most 14 year olds are not mature, E.G Cod Kids.
  11. xx984

    I'm New

    first off, use the correct forums, this is for mod
  12. xx984

    M107 vs Lapua in DayZ Epoch Mod

    Lapua, although both are very powerful (one shot kills on players) the lapua is more quiet and accurate while the m107 is much more loud but very effective against vehicles, the lapua being the 'wolf' and the m107 being the 'bear'
  13. Bump, Also preferably in the UK