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About Flipfighter

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  1. Flipfighter

    Need a serious group

    I know I've posted this alot before but still need some people. We have guys with different time ones so it's hard to get things up and going. Straight to the point playing on a new server private, and got a good start but need another player to increase productivity. Anyways hoping to find someone 18+, don't care when you play but im usually on either in the afternoon PST, or I play late at night. I'm hoping to find people for the later time schedule. But you MUST have a mic. We have a teamspeak and I'll give it to you once you add me and the boys like you. Add me on steam Flipfighter. Looking forward to hearing from you and happy hunting
  2. bump, thought I should try recruiting morning people as well
  3. yeah Im about to get off right now but i will be back on tomorrow and cycle through. ill catch you all tomorrow, looking forward to playing with you guys
  4. Alright I apologize for this being the umpteenth one ive posted but getting added but not hearing back after sending a message can be a pain. First off, I currently play PST timezone and looking to play with people through the day or night (just really depends on what time I get home). So here's what I'm looking for. 1) MUST HAVE A MIC. this is critical mainly because Im sorry, but I can't do the whole typing to communicate. It's just not going to work. 2) 18+ please (though there is room for exceptions). I'm 21 and maturity should come with age (though many accounts I have been proven wrong). I'm not here to play with CoD little kiddies, I'm here to have fun but at the same time you have to know the right time to shut up should the situation demand it. 3) Preferred in the US, again however we can make it work if we can come to terms. We currently have a Teamspeak server though I'm willing to switch off to whatever chat service you got. You hang around long enough may just give it to you. So far we are in a group of about 10 I believe, but its hard to get majority of the players on at the same time to coordinate. If this interest you, hit me up via steam "Flipfighter" without the quotes. If I add you and message you please respond whenever you can. I added a few people who added me and disappointed with no response or just taking up space. Thanks guys and good huntin'!
  5. Flipfighter

    Looking for people to play with. Steam?

    True that true that. Timezone i play on is PST, but i play whenever I get the time. Usually at night around 8 pm to 2 am, or if im on during the day its random. So come come all! Just please have a headset so we can communicate.
  6. Looking for some people to play with, complicated story of what happened with the old group. Kind of lost everyone because we forgot to add each other on steam and relied on teamspeak to talk. So if you have steam please add me, "Flipfighter" minus the quotes. Hopefully you have a mic and understand the basics of the game. PS, those of us who were in the "Big Kyle" group and you know who you are. Hopefully this post reaches you guys and hopefully we could meet up again. I only was able to stay in contact with Noyd and ed.
  7. Flipfighter

    Any Advice? (Computer related question)

    Bump, anyone else?
  8. Flipfighter

    Any Advice? (Computer related question)

    yeah i totally agree. really great game, not just for the mod, but campaign and everything as well. Hopefully I find a way to convince him just to at least invest a decent graphics card until then, but i guess its looking more like later in the year unfortunately.
  9. So essentially im currently playing this game on an optiplex 745, (I know i need to upgrade but waiting until holiday deals) with a radeon hd 4650 graphics card and 8 gbs of ddr 2 ram. Now a friend of mine has the same exact computer, minus the graphics card. I can run the game at a decent rate about normal to high and im fine with that until i eventually upgrade. Im trying to get a friend into the game but he refuses to invest in his in the computer. So maybe an alternative? He also owns a laptop, more specifically a sony vaio that is an AMD turion II 2.5 ghz with 8 gbs of ram. I was wondering if he would be able to run this game with that laptop? Im pretty sure not, but worth a try and maybe you amazing people out there know of a way. If not, well have to wait until end of the year when we both upgrade comps. thanks in advance
  10. Flipfighter


    I would like to begin by saying this is me essentially sharing my experiences of today and asking a follow up question for my fellow DayZ players. You can skip the wall of text and go straight to the second to last paragraph or read about my whole experience. Just wanted to give fair warning (: Let's begin with today 2 pm PST when I logged in for some RR in DayZ. I had it all you see (well what I cared for anyways), what one would classify as decent gear a DMR, mp5 as a backup, coyote pack, and all the essentials in my toolkit. I come across a hatchback on a Seattle server so I say, time to fix up my very first vehicle! So I thought hey to the factory I go! Upon arrival I found nothing worthwhile, no parts nothing, but then something completely inexplicable happens. Screen flickers in and out for a second then me and about the other twenty people in the room teleport to a random location free falling? My first thought was have we all just been hacked? As I see names just piling dying at a rapid rate i DC as fast as I can broken leg and everything and attempt to reconnect via another server. Unfortunately upon arrival, I'm met with the dreaded choose your sex option. I respawn right by the medical tents east of balota still in shock of the events that just occurred and furious at myself for not writing down the server to report the events. But I think to myself, "20 other people? Yeah someone's bound to post something eventually". Moving on we come to the portion of the story that explains the title. As I being scavenging through the annoying stacks of cans of the four deer stands, I come across nothing of interest. Finally as I loot the last deer stand, I come across a G17! It may not be the best but hey, anything will do for now. As I proceed climbing down the ladder I am startled by an individual just laying on the ground what appeared to be posing dead! Of course like most other people I freak out and shoot at the person thinking he's got something up his sleeve. I empty a whole clip into the guy and nothing, he's just merely bleeding profusely running into the tents scared. That's when I realize, WTF am I doing?!? I'm becoming the very thing I dread. So I walk up to the guy admiring he didn't DC from the firefight and bandage him up along with sharing a few supplies in his pack. I then take my leave and remember what it must've been like in the beginning and how I wish not all assholes shoot on sight. So now I come here asking you all of any tales where you turn to good samaritan deeds to help others? I must say, that instance was a real eye opener.
  11. Flipfighter

    Post your Steam name!

    Steam Name: Flipfighter yes i have a mic. usually play where its daylight
  12. Flipfighter

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I would like to try joining if at all applicable. I've been wanting to do some real teamwork for awhile. Steam account: flipfighter
  13. Flipfighter

    [US] Group?

    hello everyone! Hoping to find some new players to play with located hopefully around the west coast area but do not mind otherwise. The only thing I hope is that you have a mic that is all! I currently play with another group and love to play with the guys, but we usually separate and go our own ways and mutually help each other when we can. Especially with the new update, trustworthy teammates would definitely be most beneficial if we are on the same page! Hope to hear from you guys. Steam account: Flipfighter
  14. Flipfighter

    Anyone wanna' play?

    add me on steam. 'flipfighter' so far its me and panda. would love to have more ppl.
  15. Flipfighter

    Anyone wanna' play?

    Sure do you happen to have a mic?