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Snork (DayZ)

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About Snork (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. I'm OK with the pvp, the only thing i hate is when people say "This is a PVP game so GTFO" or "Rocket himself said this is a pvp game" NO, this is not a pvp game, nor Rocket said so, this is "DayZ Zombie RPG" -----> RPG, it's not a player versus player game, its a ROLE PLAYING game, your role can be a bandit, but act as a bandit, not as a deathmatch game player, gun and running everywhere, just that.
  2. Snork (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    you're kidding, right? Another elitist hardcore pro ? Get off my face. Seeing zombies run like if they were in a benny hill movie is retarded, if players ran at that speed too it would be extra retarded...
  3. Snork (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    lol yes, as other people said, zombies fly away when you hit them with a melee weapon, and when you pick a tool, as always you drop all your ammo, but with the melee weapon equiped you drop tons of melee ammo. The full story: I droped my AK for a sec to pick a melee weapon, and then the server disconnected so when I relogged I had the crowbar, so I decided to give it a try, pretty fun indeed, zombies flying away with 1 hit, I even killed two guys who where defending themselves against an horde of zombies in cherno, they died quickly , 1 or two hits, but the last one managed to kill me with his m1014. It's not like I do that usually but I was curious to know how fast melee weapons could kill. Also, have the drop rate of tools changed? I got every tool, included GPS just checking 5 or 6 buildings in cherno
  4. So why the sticky post about night had to come from a guy complaining about it being bad for new players? :( But, anyway, he is somewhat right, the night it's too dark now, it was too bright last patch, and it seems to be a problem of the game itself (ArmA2) because the lighting itself sucks, flashlights, chemlights, flares, it sucks so much, but it's not a problem of the mod so we can't do much in this forum
  5. Snork (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I just want to clarify something 1. YES, this is an alpha 2. Even if this was a fully released mod, the devs can do what their want, it's THEIR mod 3. Even if this was a released game and you had to pay for it, they STILL can do what they want. Have you ever bought a game to find out you didn't like it? have you ever played a MMO and disliked the changes in a major patch? If the answer is no you're a lucky guy, but this is how things work. conclusion: you're here to test and give some advice to the devs, not to complain.
  6. Snork (DayZ)

    Character Development

    I think I've found a decent character skill/perk development system, that would improve gameplay in general, especially team play but not only. Players would be able to choose "X" perks (e.g. 3) from a large pool of them, but this perks should be unlocked first, each one having different levels. Unlocking these perks would work in a similar way that unlocking achievements in other games (but not really). So let's say, to unlock (and later on, level) the perk "Medic", which, for example, affects how fast you can use healing items on yourself or other players (maybe even giving first aid to heavily wounded players like in the original arma 2) you must heal yourself or others players X times, or to unlock and level the perk "sniper" which increases long range accuracy, you must kill X zombies/players at long distances. A game called Killing Floor have a leveling system close to this one, where you choose one of five classes at the beginning and level them up doing certain things like killing with headshots for the sharpshooter, or healing with the medic, what I propose is basically the same, but with much more depth.
  7. I like the idea, but as people said, having hitboxes in count, if you shoot someone on the back and hits the backpack chances are something will be lost, if you shoot him in the head, nothing will be lost... unless they have NVG. You could shoot him in the legs to break them and finish him off with a knife, but that would give him a chance to shoot you back, or recover and hide
  8. Snork (DayZ)

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    I play as a lone-wolf myself mostly because I don't know anyone who play DayZ IRL and I'm not good at making new friends on the internet, but I think the idea is good, but It must be well developed, I suggest 2 factors that affect the mental well-being of a character, teaming and humanity both affecting you in different ways. 1. for example, being alone for long times decreases the speed of the trade of information with other players mentioned before, difficulty to rest because you feel unprotected, easier to panic and such. 2. If you have low humanity the effects are worse, being unable to exchange information with other players, unable to rest, and if there is a huge humanity drop in little time (if you go on a rampage, for example) you may have a mental breakdown, hearing the voices of the people you've killed. ( not resting well or not resting at all should decrease your physical performance)