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About ThatsNotMyGoat

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Definately not Mt Pleasant, Texas, USA
  1. ThatsNotMyGoat

    So I heard some screams by devils castle..

    I play on a private hive, and I've been on this one for 9 weeks. Never heard it before except for the lost girlfriend in Namalask
  2. ThatsNotMyGoat

    So I heard some screams by devils castle..

    ^^ yes it sounded just like that. But I guess that's just how it is chernarus Q.Q
  3. Depending on how exactly you want the European voice, I cold help. I'm of German decent and you can hear it in my voice, although Maklo is Russian so I may or may not be able to help you on this one.
  4. ThatsNotMyGoat

    So I heard some screams by devils castle..

    I'm stealing that signature ^^
  5. So I was walking towards devil's castle, and heard a young woman faintly screaming "help"! But it wasn't a player. Does anyone have any information on this?
  6. ThatsNotMyGoat

    A Gun You Never Found Before?

    >been playing for 5 weeks. >found 0 hatchets.
  7. ThatsNotMyGoat

    Reason behind your username?

    Because I killed my friends goat thinking it was mine.
  8. ThatsNotMyGoat

    Looking for players to join me

    Hey I'm new today's but I have experience with snipers and helps in ArmA. Age:16 Name: Tyler Skype: FrostR3miix Profession: Vehicles/medical/scavenger/ and mainstream sniper :/