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Everything posted by MasterShak3

  1. MasterShak3

    SA Easter eggs?

    If there where some Easter eggs that would appear in Dayz Stand Alone, what would be some you guys would like to see?... From a Big Foot that can be sighted hiking near Green Mountain around dusk. Or the Loch Ness Monster floating about Black Lake from time to time. To a zombie that suspiciously resembles Rocket. What are some of your ideas? :)
  2. MasterShak3

    Just saw Rocket again.

  3. Looks great Daniel. I would wear it! B) :beans: :thumbsup: :beans:
  4. MasterShak3


  5. MasterShak3

    DayZ Loot Spawnrate

    Brony, according to Urban Dictionary: *Fans of the new G4 My Little Pony show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Mostly refers to the older male viewers of the show, but female fans use it too. A Brony is generally pretty involved in the community at large.*.... Sounds like you AppleJaxc... Your profile picture and signature would support this hypothesis. On topic: "I would like the SA to be more survivalistic. Meaning people are running around with more "civilian" style guns, rather than the High Grade loot you talk about." ^ I think Statik hit the nail on the head with this statement ^
  6. MasterShak3

    DayZ Loot Spawnrate

    Why do you keep lying to your self?
  7. I'm up to team! Join my Team-Speak 3 server and will rule Cherno! IP:
  8. MasterShak3

    Where does everyone hang out?

    Lets hang out Grumpy Cat! Team Speak 3 server, IP:
  9. Defiantly, could use your help! If you want to see if you would fit in with us join our Team-Speak 3 server IP: *Ask for Peter69north*
  10. MasterShak3

    SA Easter eggs?

    That would be EPIC!
  11. MasterShak3

    SA Easter eggs?

    Freeman? Like Morgan Freeman
  12. MasterShak3

    DayZ? No, it's DayI

    Hell, I'll take DayI. Couldn't be worse than naming your game WarZ.
  13. MasterShak3

    Horrible server admin

    Did you get banned or just kicked?
  14. MasterShak3

    Horrible server admin

    Bashing servers usually results in a post becoming locked. Some people like playing none PVP servers. Learning the ropes of the game + scavenging.
  15. MasterShak3

    Bringing Back Some Old Friends!

    NO. Do not bring these guns back. (M107/AS50) They have no place in Dayz and are OP as F#$%. If there is one thing I am happy the Dayz team decide to take out of the game its them.
  16. MasterShak3

    Dean Hall @ Pax Prime

    Best of luck to you! :)
  17. MasterShak3

    Dean Hall @ Pax Prime

    That would be awesome ... Just afraid I'd never leave the Oculus. :o
  18. MasterShak3

    Dean Hall @ Pax Prime

    Playing SA in the Oculus would be quit the experience I imagine. Bet you could almost smell the :beans: in IRL.
  19. You must be new to Dayz... Many private hive servers have custom buildings and some sort of donator perks. That's how private hives can afford to stick around.
  20. MasterShak3

    Looking for a small group/clan

    Sure, I'll team with you. Hop into my Team Speak 3 server IP:
  21. MasterShak3

    what server do you play on?

    Google, why me?
  22. MasterShak3

    need a partner

    LOLZ ^
  23. MasterShak3

    what server do you play on?

    I got your back. Saw the whole thing. Just can't believe this guy has the nerve to bash the community. I personally love CA #1 that's why I rep the banner. Just cheese's me off when people make up fairy tales.
  24. MasterShak3

    what server do you play on?

    I was playing on CA #1 your whole play time here.... When did "Several CA 1 members" point out your location? (Clearly I could not have missed this). What I saw was, the admin (Porkens) call out your location to explain to you why loot wasn't spawning. How is that cheating for trying to help you? And when did members confess to "cheat" to kill players? Never saw a glimpse of this... On the topic of donator load-outs, why would you join a server with "Custom load-outs for Donation" If you did not agree with that. If your going to bitch about something make sure its based of facts not on fabricated lies because you got bested in a gun fight. Pathetic. <_< *FYI* If this server was crap it wouldn't be filling up on the daily and be around for as long as it has.