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Everything posted by JunkyVirus

  1. JunkyVirus

    DayZ Servers

    So I've taken a break from DayZ but recently wanted to play it, so I installed Arma 2 and OA on steam and I downloaded DayZ Commander thinking I could as I used to play through that, but first of I see that there are no longer any "official" servers, which I guess helps against hackers ? But there are no playable servers because they are all out of date or something, I have no idea whats happened, I've search around but not found anything. I've also tried to play the through steam but that doesn't work, so which version of the game and mod are everyone using ? Also tried to install and play the mod Overwatch but that did nothing, no server appeared whatsoever. Would really appreciate some help, love the game but it's made impossible to play.