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Everything posted by PrimeDirector

  1. YES Please consider expanding this ability to detecting through ranged devices (scope, nocs); otherwise someone will shoot before he's close enough.
  2. PrimeDirector

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Love it. The gamma/brightness/hdr hack lessened the coolness of nvg and, let's be honest, is not realistic. With no power and no/minimal moon, you shouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face. Someone said it before, really brings out a new perspective in Cherno and tests how far players will go before lighting a flare/turning on their flashlight.
  3. PrimeDirector

    I found a Radio

    This Has got to be my favorite all-time thread true or not. That is just some freaky stuff. I too have been to Green Mountain and even capped some mobs but alas no radio. Hope that it will be true if not though.