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About Gobbins

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. that map thing is a cool idea for a feature though maybe there could be static satelite stations around the map where you can access the computer and see the position of all players on the map, would be a new place to fight over that isnt the airfield or cherno roofs station would have to be powered using jerry cans
  2. Remember the first scene of "There will be blood"? Good luck son
  3. I think if you have positive karma there should be npc spawning and brining you ammo and supplies randomly just like in RL. Bandits should go to jail.
  4. you people never read a troll before or something?
  5. This north vs south bandits epeen race is a little dumb, it is really two different play styles with different dynamics and rewards. North: - requires great patience - better loot from the targets South: - constant stream of pubbies - bad loot, must relocate constantly I do not agree that the north is harder. You can sit in the trees by the airfield for hours and snipe people who run across the strip. That is not difficult. You can also camp the military barracks and just kill server hoppers that log in the rooms. Again not hard. Holding a southern city is a different game. Sure you will constantly get easy kills from noobs running in cherno with a flare, but you are not alone hunting those noobs: bandit vs bandit skirmishes happen frequently and those people are normally more skilled than the survivors trekking north for NVGs. Apart from other bandit groups, of course there is always somebody playing apocalypse sheriff who is out bandit hunting, and those guys mostly know what they are doing. Oh yeah. You are truly the best player i've ever encountered. :rolleyes: Maybe you are going to tell me some of your CoD-stories aswell? You won't survive a single raid on a populated NW-Airfield. I wonder if the people posting this have ever really raided the NW airfield. Most of the people you will see are server hoppers who rush from hangar to hangar then log again. Apart from that you have the rare solo trekkers that will run around the airstrip for half an hour ending up shot, and groups that send one guy to loot while everyone else watch his back. None of this is very dangerous.
  6. If you are a camping sniper just learn the distance of some landmark buildings from your perch and you will easily estimate your targets range from yourself.
  7. Maybe make it so you cannot pick up any gucci rifle or ammo for the first 20 minutes after joining a server. By gucci I mean anything that spawns only in military or firestation.
  8. Good post Mojo. You will notice that the Op is short and to the point. I also did not email the dayz team or rocket or anything like that since I believe it would be just a waste of their time. The purpose of this post is a searchable precedent in case there are more episodes of the admin in question behaving in a dubious way. About the specific accident: I really was not spamming nor given a warning. After I rejoined and got banned the guy acted very defensively when the rest of my friends started arguing with him about the reason of the kicking. I really felt the guy did not act to make the server better but purely out of admin power trip. Now these things happen, hopefully it will not happen again. One last thing, I have played the mod quite intensively for the last month without any problems. This server was about one day old when the problem appeared (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3809&pid=41334#pid41334). Some admins think they can open up a new server and run it like their private playground. The only way we players can keep it from happening is documenting episodes of perceived foul administration, which is what I did with my brief report. I wish karl and the tarkovski server good luck and hopefully no more issues like this one. Peace :)
  9. mediumdifficulty.com TARKOVSKI server I was sniping in cherno when suddenly I get kicked, message says "dont come back". I get back in and ask wtf, the admin Karl says I was being annoying and talking about patch 1.58. I assume he was actually one of the guys I shot at. I tell the guy he cant just go around kicking people because he got shot, so he bans me from the server with a message saying "blackmail with database threat" or something like that. I was then unable to join that server afterwards.
  10. Gobbins

    To Evan from PC Gamer

    http://www.twitch.tv/pcgamer/b/318650305 from 3:54:00 you can see me asking for blood - and later he gives me the blood and gets sniped as soon as he is done healing 3:57:48 palli so busy typing she gets taken down by one of the pubbies with the winchester (ivan mentions "the sniper was caught" later around 4:00:00) cba to find evidence for tinkengs murders besides he is a baddie who got my car stolen in cherno, but him and palli had been following this poor streamer and sniping him all night for the record I did ask palli not to take the shot and let me follow a bit more but nothing can stand between a swedish lioness with asperger and her digital prey v0v
  11. Gobbins


    the only LAW in chern is the LAW OF REDDIT