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About donfrodini

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. donfrodini

    strange fps drop

    hmm i woulnt have thought so running at 4.2GHz and im sure the i5 3570k is still one of the best CPU's on the market for gaming though some of the i7's have probably overtaken it now. It runs planetside 2 maxed and doesnt really drop below 30FPS when the shit hits the fan, and we all know that games rapes CPU's. I might try to disable the SLi when i get home see if that makes a diff maybe see if I can alter some of the graphics settings in Nvidia control panel. Like JackieBoy says though this is an old game so optimisation is gash, could simply be that and no cure.
  2. donfrodini

    strange fps drop

    Hey guys, New to this game (well kinda returned after a year or so) only to load the game and find my fps now sucks balls lol! This wouldnt be so puzzling were it not that I have a pretty damn good spec:- SLi GTX 670 i5-3570K (Clocked at 4.2GHz) 1600 MHz DDR 3 When im running around the country side im getting around 60-75 fps which is fine but as soon as i hit a city im seeing mid 20's. Now i know a lot of you have been getting worse than that but for the spec of the pc you would expect far better. Im thinking is it a possible issue with SLi? I have turned down a load of in game settings and altered the config file but nothing seems to chance the way it plays. Odd thing is im sure it worked perfectly for me before ... maybe the new update has messed something up. Anyway appreciate any input you guys could make :)