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Freedom Fighter

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Everything posted by Freedom Fighter

  1. Freedom Fighter

    Weapon upgrade ideas.

    Different zoomes of scopes would defianatly be an idea to place in the game. Maybe different frames for rifles that have positive and negative effects like a wood frame would be heavier but more accurate because of less recoil and a hard plastic frame would be lighter but less accurate because of more recoil.
  2. The tobacco is an amazing idea because everything you said is actually true. And in foreign countries such as where the game takes place its a bit more normal to find the occasional tobacco plant.
  3. Freedom Fighter

    Survivors turn into zombies

    The infected idea may be good but not to turn into a zombie. Say you put a diseased jacket or that if you wore it long enough you would catch the disease and slowly die unless you found the right meds. Such cases with food and drink as well.
  4. Freedom Fighter

    More antiquated yet effective weapons.

    Incorporating some kind of one use weapons into they game may be an intersting little machanic such as glass bottles or pieces of wood like tree branches that could be found easily but break after one or two swings.
  5. Freedom Fighter

    Choking persons from the back!

    Maybe not killing but maybe some kind of an attack from behind that maybe just knocks players unconcious so you could just loot them and get away before they wake up.
  6. Freedom Fighter

    Let Zombies "rest" a little

    If you could some how merge it with like a jump scare system and make so they only do it at night it might work.
  7. There would be too many bases on the map/server and once players knew where they were they would be ran sacked and utterly no point in having them just because it would be that endless cycle of repeatative gameplay that DayZ tried so hard not to do.
  8. Freedom Fighter

    Interesting Ideas for Dayz standalone

    This is just a quick addon to my last comment. The hair styles could be kinda sloppy like they have been surviving for a bit in the world. The previous hair style suggestions in a sloppy version.
  9. Freedom Fighter


    I would like to see a way to put up the hood on hooded coats and jackets. Its very simple idea but not many games allow for players to put the hood up or or down. And i think it would just a fun little option to include to make yourself look cool at night or when murdering someone.
  10. Freedom Fighter

    Interesting Ideas for Dayz standalone

    I just wanted to see a few different hair styles for the game just to give a bit more customization. Like a long-haired teen hair style for the male or a pony tail for the female. Just for that extra bit of personalization.
  11. Freedom Fighter

    Interesting Ideas for Dayz standalone

    Id like to see a few different hair styles in DayZ.