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Everything posted by Tossing

  1. Tossing


    My server Is running a public teamspeak to compensate for no chat. We just got it up this weekend and are trying to populate it. Filter for Themercs if you are interested in our server.
  2. Tossing

    TheMercs Seattle Server.

    Been playing on this server. It's very reliable. Quick load times and low lag.
  3. Tossing

    Grace Period

    This would be the ghoster's dream. The problem with ghosting is the chance you might get shot when you log in. Lets take that away from them. If this is implemented ghosters would have nothing to fear. They'd log in any old place and if they get spotted they'd log out and try again. Bad idea.
  4. Tossing

    A Couple Suggestions

    1. When someone is bleeding/knocked out or has blinking food/water they can't log out. Even if they alt F4 their character stays in game. This is for mainly combat loggers. It is also lame that you can log out and wait for a friend to bring you supplies to survive. 2. Your location is reset to the coast when entering a different server from your previous one. This is to mainly prevent people from ghosting and logging into towns looking for free kills. I feel it is also important for the game to promote single server use. This will prevent server hopping but won't screw over people that want/need to change servers. This will promote people to play more on one server instead leaving servers to avoid night time or other people completely. Also as people play more on one server it creates the feeling that you are playing the game with other people instead of alone. You learn who you can trust and who to avoid. What areas that might be dangerous to go into. You'll also run into strangers that you've never seen before. This gives the game more of a feel that I believe Rocket is looking for. 3. When someone has zombie aggro they can't log out. The new way farm loot is to just sprint through zombies looking at all the loot spawns then logging out when you see something you need. When you log back in the zombies have magically disappeared and you have the ability to loot from the pile of loot you saw before. This needs to be prevented for obvious reasons. EDIT: After thinking about it for a while. I realized the location being saved server side is easily exploitable. Not a Good idea. I'm still in favor of your location being reset if you change servers.
  5. Tossing

    A Couple Suggestions

    Then where is the option to play at night? If we choose one server' date=' we will be forver playing at the same time in that server. I know im not going to wait 6 to 12 (or however long) hours for it to drop to night. I actually cant think of one game that has ever done that, limiting a player to one server will become monotonous, and if you make a bad server choice, am i to believe that im stuck with that decision?? What happens when i've joined a server where hacking is rife or that no other players are in, in the time i have allocated to play? One server limiting is not the answer and never will be. There are plenty of options available to curb this, one being a timer. You must play a minimum of say 15 mins in that server and are locked out of any others while that timer elapses. i can think of other solutions but you see what i mean. [/quote'] You obviously didn't read my post. I never said limiting to one server. I'd like there to be a reason to stay on one server. You can change from server to server all you'd like but it if you change servers you are just put onto the coast. God no. That's what the 'shock' state is for' date=' and I think that's enough to 'punish' the people who try to log out [i']after a fight. Forcing people to have to play the game OR ELSE is just a bad idea, because this thing called Real Life tends to get in the way for many people. If you want to fight the combat loggers, there's only two things you need to do: give a 15 second countdown for normal disconnects. Give a 60 second countdown for someone who's either fired a shot, or is bleeding, or has zombie aggro. Each shot fired resets the countdown. LOL? Your suggestion is worse then mine. 60 cooldown after you are done bleeding or lose zed aggro? I said during these things. I'm fine with tho. The whole not logging out while your food is blinking isn't as bad as it seems. I mean how often is your food blinking?
  6. Tossing

    A Couple Suggestions

    Ha' date=' nah man, it takes long enough to find a good server, let alone be able to join it, i only have four favourites. It comes down to this, not everyone can sit at home all day playing this, people have lives, and if everyone that gets home after 5.00pm in the arvo, is not going to want to play in the night every single time they log in, i understand your point, but its impractical. [/quote'] Well that is what a lot of people are doing. Still switching between 4 servers is too much. With my suggestion you can still do that but will just be slightly penalized for it. Like you've experienced not all server times are set the same. For example the server I play on has its time set to the same as china. So at 5:00 pm it is day in the server. I want to see people finding one server that works for them and sticking to that one. This will create more of a community feel.
  7. Tossing

    A Couple Suggestions

    Really? Really Really
  8. I've been thinking about it for a while now. But it won't work. Players need to be to keep their characters if something happens to a server. My Solution to the problem: Your location is saved server side. If you join a new server (that you've never been on) you are randomly spawned on the beach. This greatly benefits people that persistently play on 1 server but doesn't completely screw over the people that want/have to server hop.
  9. Tossing

    many players are quitting

    @OP You are an idiot. People like you would ruin this game. Glad to see you and your buddies go.
  10. OMG RAWSON YOU BANDIT!!!! Rawson sounds like a nice guy. I'm sure that if the guy with the Winchester knew you guys were in there and said friendly Rawson wouldn't have shot. Now what is considered a bandit? is Rawson really a bandit? The guy didn't have time to shoot back. But if rawson waited for the guy to shoot, him or his friend could have been killed in one shot. Putting the title "bandit" on people, like Rawson, that are really just trying not get shot is wrong. What game mechanic will be able to tell if someone is a bandit or not? Especially in this type situation. P.S. I would have done the same.
  11. Tossing


    the vehicle sounds legit... make sure you check the trunk for gear...
  12. Tossing

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Implementing game mechanics that encourage players to play together sounds good on paper, but isn't a good idea. If game mechanics were implemented to "encourage" players to work together nothing will change. Players that kos, will still do so. Players that try to be friendly to people will still do it. Why? Because no game mechanic will make strangers trust each other. It will mainly benefit the groups of players that have already been playing games together before playing dayz. These groups of players are already reaping the benefits of grouping together. When working with a group: it is easy to get geared up. it is easier to control vehicles. it is easy to control towns to farm them. it is easier to survive. when you die, chances are you'll get your stuff back. it is a lot more fun to play. The benefits go on and on. The people that work together are already owning servers. Why give them more advantages?
  13. Yes If you don't die then your'd never spawn with no gun. (incentive for players to not "run and gun" and not care about dying)