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About thisisPyro

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    Competitive Bf3 player playing a variety of games until Bf4 comes out. Dayz is one of those games. I have been off and on with dayz lately got back into it. My experience with dayz was originally hero and gun trader. After having a couple tents full of rare gear stolen, my taste for hero work vanished. I have lately been working on banditing via long range ballistics.
  1. Looking for a couple people to get started in an origins server with. I have played origins a lot before however due to a server admin that got caught cheating my group's fortress got deleted along with all our other gear. This happened a couple months back and I have just now gotten back on Dayz. Not planning to go as far just want to some people to play with and to build a couple houses and garages with. I bandit for fun once I get everything but I have no problems working in a team.
  2. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Why dont you let me decide what gun I think is best for the post apocalyptic world. As the Walking Dead showed us zombies are easy, humans are killers.
  3. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Yea everyone knows there aren't any calibers above 7.62
  4. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Its not really player damage that is a problem. Both the m24 and the Dmr are quite capable at dropping targets at ranges to 800m. But they cant do damage to choppers, in fact no one gun can really damage the military mil.
  5. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Sure forget the .408 or the .416. But then .50cal semi autos would be there and I dont think that makes for a balanced game. So why not a .338 lapua? But Hueys are in there and the mils as well and they do have armor, a problem when you cant do ANYTHING to one. I am proposing a fix that I think will have minimal damage to the balance and yet still be realistic.
  6. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Havnet played aftermath and this comment seems more like an aftermath endorsment than a real discussion/opinion of the topic or another post.
  7. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Jordan, Turkey, and Poland use the .408. Why do they have american hueys? I find it a little silly that people have a massive problem with american weapons existing in dayz but no problem what so ever with the fact that there is ZOMBIES! Its a game, I can think of a number of reasons why american guns are in Russia, the simplest is that Americans/UN came to assist the Russians in fighting the undead but were unsuccessful leaving a stockpile of weapons.
  8. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    I derped. I didnt mean a .50 cal or heavier, I meant a .50cal or a bullet heavier than 7.62. I would love to see a .408(to be honest I think it would be easier than implementing a .50cal cause you would get less backlash)
  9. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    ? what does that have to do with the thread? you can make your own thread you know.
  10. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    yea again, i want a bolt action .50cal or heavier. The semi autos can be spammed.
  11. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    I dont mean that there is .338 lapua in dayz but .338 lapua is in arma 2 operation arrowhead.
  12. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    Btw turns out there is already .338 lapua in game so should be even easier to implement in game.
  13. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    I do not serve in the military. I never said they issued anti material rifles in every unit, but that every major army has anti material rifles. What does that have to do with dayz? Btw I actually have a shot a .50cal just not a .50cal BMG, and to be honest the only difference was that there was a little more kick.
  14. thisisPyro

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    If zombies still give you trouble after a couple hours playing. Get a new game.