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Ridley (DayZ)

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About Ridley (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/ridl3y; http://area51gaming.com/

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pittsburgh, PA

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  • Bio
    I'm a former professional FPS gamer taking a break from the competitive scene. I'm always up for a challenge and I hate losing. Add me on Steam if you want to play.
  1. Ridley (DayZ)

    The hypocrisy regarding hackers

    I think the OP should stop crying and use the "Search" feature. People that are bad at video games, like you, take your frustrations out on internet forums when you get owned. Something tells me he got killed by someone with an AS50 TWS before he used his AS50 TWS on him. Scrub. Absolutely NO ONE complains about getting killed by a hacked in weapon. You must be the dumbest person alive. People cry about getting nuked and teleported. I swear you must be high or something.
  2. Ridley (DayZ)

    The Devil's favourite game: DayZ

    Voice changer and a mic...... wow.
  3. Ridley (DayZ)

    Good Guy Jason's Dance Troll

  4. Ridley (DayZ)

    my first freaking gillie

    Cool story, bro.
  5. Ridley (DayZ)

    Full release - Map discussion

    The full version game needs a giant mall. Can you imagine having teams hold down different parts of a mall? Mall. Mall. MALL!
  6. Ridley (DayZ)

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    *Edit* nvm
  7. Ridley (DayZ)

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    http://dayzmod.com/f.../46844-hackers/ Post 8 rocket DayZ Staff 1,360 posts Posted 26 July 2012 - 07:19 AM Xeno, on 26 July 2012 - 06:42 AM, said: If I pick up hacked weapons, will I be banned? I mean like, a ban for sure. Not a "maybe". Thanks, Xeno PS. I think the hackers name is "Mike", I just took him out from the ground with an AS50. May not be him though because I found a chopper randomly earlier. No This rumour has no basis to it whatsoever. Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database, but you will not receive a ban without creating them yourself.
  8. Ridley (DayZ)

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    It has been stated by Rocket, officially, that using gear that was hacked in is completely legit as long as you don't use the scripts to spawn them. The fact that it is just a skin (which is actually worse than Ghillie) is less of a deal.
  9. Ridley (DayZ)

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    I may stop by tonight. You'll know who I am because I only wear the Soldier camo. (Yes I know it was "hacked" in. A team I raided had a tent full of them, so I couldn't resist. Now I wear them so people can tell me apart from normal players. :P) I may even be willing to join up and cooperate if interested.
  10. Ridley (DayZ)

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    I'm a "clan hunter" if you would call it that. I join servers in hopes of finding their bases, while quickly taking them all out from close range. (I enjoy sniping, but there is something sweet about seeing their faces before they die.) 80% of the time, I'll take out a team of 4-5 at the base, only to be greeted by other members who suddenly teleport to my location. The amount of ghosting, QQing, and Alt-F4ing that goes on is unreal. What really gets me excited is when I see the person I just killed back at his body all the way up north within minutes. Don't even get me started on the invincible people.
  11. Ridley (DayZ)

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    This whole thread bores me. I'm more interested in "Mr. 98% Accuracy at All Times." Have you played anyone of any real value? I'd be glad to help you lower that percentage down a few. You can pick the game too. And back on this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if he hacked. Every large team has at least 1-2 designated hackers who spawn in items for them. What makes this garbage FTW team any different? lol Ban for swearing in a mature rated game at that! Awesome!
  12. Ridley (DayZ)

    I found an AS50 TWS

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63374-me-and-a-friend-found-2-as50s-with-thermal-scopes-hacked/ SEARCH THE FORUMS!!!!!!!
  13. I have to check this out tonight!
  14. Ridley (DayZ)

    Me and a friend found 2 AS50s with thermal scopes. Hacked?

    What is the name of your server? Remind me to put a complaint in for banning people without a valid reason.
  15. Ridley (DayZ)

    Me and a friend found 2 AS50s with thermal scopes. Hacked?

    That's exactly what I'm saying. It is a damn weapon. Using it is not like seeing through walls of teleporting to players. You'd be stupid NOT to take advantage of the situation and take as much as you could carry.