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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hello Everything is in the title since yesterday, i can't connected myself to a server on the public hive, all the servers have "waiting for host" I think there is a problem with the hive
  2. because few people know the advantage of being a hero :) and a lot of people come friendly and they being shooted with no warning several time so for survive alone you have to KOS or be Kos ( especially on a high populate's server) Edit : when ?when the team of 5 player have repair a 4 seat's vehicle LOL
  3. Hello all I have installed a new server but i have some trouble everything seem to be ok when you are alive but when you die, you will be stuck on the loading screen when you are stuck on loading screen, the only thing you can do it's "ctrl+alt+del" and if you reconnect on the server you spawn in the sky and fall where you have died before Impossible to go on spawn selection (other question how to activate it ? i don't see any option like dayz_spawnselection ?) I have tried many thing to fix it, i searched if someone experienced the same problem but i don't find solution I have tried to unistall all my script (server name,bec,...) I reinstall with a fresh download of @Server- I see a lot of errors on arma.rpt this one is more than 100 times in the report 4:06:17 Error in expression <(count _position >= 2)AND {(_position distance _mkr < 1400)}) then {_positio> 4:06:17 Error position: <distance _mkr < 1400)}) then {_positio> 4:06:17 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 4:06:17 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSetup.sqf, line 198If someone know something about it or need more info please anwser me Thanks Nb : i attached the server_playerSetup.txt
  4. Problem solved :) It was the mission file of HFBServers that was corrupt I used a generator and got no more problem http://www.silentspy.net/p/dayz-mission-generator/
  5. Is that work for ? What i have to do ? I don't find any comment in the line 94-95 on server_spawn_crashsite.sqf ? Do I need to add the line of facopter in the init.sqf of dayz_server.pbo ?
  6. Hahaha What about the car (IRL) ? the constructor is responsible of all overtake speed limit allowed ? In the life there are RULES Do not mix a bug exploit unexpected and Abuse
  7. Server : FR 404 ip : timezone : GMT-4 Cheater list : 3e936c1d686c23abef850d38e3ba2263 -1 KKON.rus [script : Spawn vehicle]dd6d42db1eb2a1830a40e69d662ded75 -1 tW1x [ESP Hack] d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77 -1 Alax ***x [script: Spawn vehicle] 50ba36807d0ddcffe1e938e71e6f06ac -1 DerpyHoovs [hack : TP vehicle]f340cc1bbb68f023318ed54883d4491c -1 Fluttershy [hack : TP vehicle]f40dbbd016639b777e9c575432fea33a -1 Lepus95 [hack : TP vehicle]1c263db58b633e261d5f2984399a7142 -1 ВОРон [hack : TP vehicle]01b352976e06e8b582b2da8e02a8ec7c -1 Soup [hack : TP vehicle]a25b946a2d4e5d1c2dde4eb0b86db4f1 -1 Legion [script : hack]5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39 -1 Camel Joe [hack : TP vehicle]f429d1deb1f3f4665767a27ca7459dfe -1 JuggerNuss [alias Camel Joe]efd44785a0a355b53250cfa98abfc9f5 -1 Herr Arschritze [alias Camel Joe]f4cbd15220951681a7c46e9a431f36e8 -1 Krusty [Hack use]94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 -1 Mr.Zombie [alias Camel Joe]5efa24473a8f77e43e53fac42af61bdb -1 Layys [alias Camel Joe] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Original Post] Gotcha antihack warning [GMT+1] : Be logs : Line 47118: 19:40:41 : CreateVehicle Log: #4 Vaati (3022e5b5cee70e4f3f9eddaaa5493490) - #0 "WeaponHolder" 118:215 [6385,2687,15]Line 47143: 19:41:19 : CreateVehicle Log: #4 Vaati (3022e5b5cee70e4f3f9eddaaa5493490) - #0 "WeaponHolder" 118:218 [9938,1854,7]I don't know if it was a false positive or a real teleport the player was kicked by gotcha and when he was re logging he was back at 6385,2687
  8. the list continue : 03.09.2013 18:52:04: Layys (XXXXX) 5efa24473a8f77e43e53fac42af61bdb - #0 45:5 Survivor2_DZ 15:1500 SurvivorW2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 18:52:17: Layys (XXXXX) 5efa24473a8f77e43e53fac42af61bdb - #0 45:5 Survivor2_DZ 42:295 SurvivorW2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 18:52:28: Layys (XXXXX) 5efa24473a8f77e43e53fac42af61bdb - #0 45:5 Survivor2_DZ 44:130 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 19:03:55: Mr.Zombie (XXXXX) 94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 - #0 45:5 SurvivorW2_DZ 39:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 19:04:59: Mr.Zombie (XXXXX) 94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 - #0 45:5 SurvivorW2_DZ 38:227 Camo1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 19:05:18: Mr.Zombie (XXXXX) 94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 - #0 45:5 SurvivorW2_DZ 44:5 Survivor3_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 19:05:37: Mr.Zombie (XXXXX) 94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 - #0 45:5 SurvivorW2_DZ 40:167 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,-2,0]03.09.2013 19:06:17: Mr.Zombie (XXXXX) 94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 - #0 2:38 hilux1_civil_3_open 45:5 SurvivorW2_DZ -1 [3,5,2]03.09.2013 19:06:17: Mr.Zombie (XXXXX) 94a705cea1ca1244205358b36dc70e31 - #16 2:38 hilux1_civil_3_open 45:5 SurvivorW2_DZ -1 [3,5,2]
  9. guitz59@hotmail.com

    Selling NVG, ghillie, rangefinder ++

    i killed someone who shoot at me with a m107 I understood why i managed to kill him when i try to kill zombie with the m107 :D
  10. Camel Joe come every day with other key and always use cheat f429d1deb1f3f4665767a27ca7459dfe -1 JuggerNuss alias Camel Joe efd44785a0a355b53250cfa98abfc9f5 -1 Herr Arschritze alias Camel Joe And other friend of Kackar come, threat and kill everybody with cheat f4cbd15220951681a7c46e9a431f36e8 -1 Krusty evidence on chat in my previous post
  11. thx KOS another evidence of lies : Uploaded with ImageShack.us To resume why he is banned : 1/ Log at the same time and same position that Camel Joe 2/ Team up with him 3/ laughing with him 4/ No report when i was connected 5/ No explanation when i am asking you, you say just "Luck" 6/ One key already ban by battleye (means you had cheat or try to) 7/ Hide and lie about team with Camel joe (i make a warning before checking the log then you disconnect) 8/ Strange repair of Mi17 (no gear for) 9/ Strange hunt on me with mi17 10/ flood my mail box on Forum (3 words per post...) 11/ threat and attempt to bribe on my mailbox I continue ? EDIT : You are not a cheater but all community of cheater come on the server for you ? Strange ?
  12. someone again TP vehicle ... UH1 was parked out of map (ID: 4997743) and was TP directly to one player hiveExt.log GMT +1 2013-08-31 18:51:40 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 103 Params: 75606726:41386261:0:2013-08-31 18:52:44 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 101 Params: 75606726:7654:Camel Joe:2013-08-31 18:53:34 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 201 Params: 41386261:[196,[1494.07,13561.1,0.002]]:[]:[]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,10653.9,[],[0.202,0],0,[1.318,1.108]]:false:false:0:0:3:0:[Mk_48_DZ,amovpercmrunsraswrfldf,42]:0:0::0:2013-08-31 18:53:42 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 305 Params: 4997743:[228,[1495.51,13561.7,1.887]]:0.306:Bec.log GMT -4 13:52:19 : Player #1 Camel Joe (5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39) has been kicked by BattlEye: AttachTo Restriction #1913:53:51 : Player #1 Camel Joe (5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39) has been kicked by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #013:58:59 : Player #1 Camel Joe (5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #55attacheto.log GMT +1 31.08.2013 18:52:19: Camel Joe (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39 - #19 2:50 Ikarus 35:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]publicvarriable.log GMT +1 31.08.2013 18:58:59: Camel Joe (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39 - Value Restriction #26 "PVDZ_plr_Save" = edBeans","HandGrenade_West","FoodMRE","FoodMRE","ItemSodaCoke","ItemBloodbag","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine","1470Rnd_127x108_YakB","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemBandage"],false]31.08.2013 18:58:59: Camel Joe (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39 - Value Restriction #55 "PVDZ_plr_Save" = kedBeans","HandGrenade_West","FoodMRE","FoodMRE","ItemSodaCoke","ItemBloodbag","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine","1470Rnd_127x108_YakB","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemBandage"],false]setvarriable.log GMT +1 31.08.2013 18:53:51: Camel Joe (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 5ad6b019da339cb2950bef5aa2fa1f39 - #0 "nitro" = 1 2:67
  13. there is no player named "the mountain" in the log ? but i found this in script.log 28.08.2013 15:41:48: Legion (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) a25b946a2d4e5d1c2dde4eb0b86db4f1 - #239 "["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\wuat\start.sqf""
  14. This group of player have used hack or are complice of hack user 50ba36807d0ddcffe1e938e71e6f06ac -1 DerpyHoovs f340cc1bbb68f023318ed54883d4491c -1 Fluttershy f40dbbd016639b777e9c575432fea33a -1 Lepus95 1c263db58b633e261d5f2984399a7142 -1 ВОРон 01b352976e06e8b582b2da8e02a8ec7c -1 Soup yesterday a player called me and tell me to watch the log because his car (URAL | id:4997724) have disappear in front of him 5 seconde later i came back to the game and was death (By the Ural...) I check the position of player with gotcha and nobody was near me (skalisty island) All player on the server was death and was back to the coast but this group of player was in berezino URAL Evidence : Ural was on skalisty island (on my position) and was TP near electro 2013-08-26 16:56:44 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 305 Params: 4997724:[69,[13877.5,2922.23,0.01]]:0.8:2013-08-26 16:56:59 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 305 Params: 4997724:[69,[8969.51,2366.62,0.12]]:0.8:Mi17 evidence : mi17 (id: 5567677) was on skalisty island and was TP to the player ВОРон (or his mate) 2013-08-26 17:03:15 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 305 Params: 5567677:[82,[13884.1,2938.27,-0.056]]:0.8:2013-08-26 17:03:24 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 101 Params: 7848708:7654:ВОРон:2013-08-26 17:03:24 HiveExt: [Information] Changed name of player 7848708 from '?????' to 'ВОРон'2013-08-26 17:03:24 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",false,"43813034",[271,[8956.46,2241.5,0]],[["ItemCompass","ItemMatchbox","ItemToolbox","ItemHatchet","ItemRadio","NVGoggles","ItemWatch","ItemEtool","ItemGPS","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","Mk_48_DZ","M9SD"],["ItemWaterbottle","ItemEpinephrine","100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240","100Rnd_762x51_M240",["100Rnd_762x51_M240",49],"ItemBandage",["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",6],"15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[["DMR"],[1]],[["ItemWaterbottle","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","100Rnd_762x51_M240","ItemSodaCoke","FoodbeefCooked"],[2,7,1,1,2]]],[1493,1494,1494],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]2013-08-26 17:04:01 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 305 Params: 5567677:[320,[8944.53,2238.77,-0.046]]:0.8:
  15. it would be nice if a passenger could take the pilot place
  16. I try it It's a transition of Dayz Arma2 on Arma3 but you need armaOA2 + Dayz mod + Arma3 then you have to register here : http://zoombiesmod.com/index.php to download the mod I found a tuto here : http://www.dayztv.com/tutorials/dayz-zoombies-mod-dayz-on-arma-3-release-how-to-install/
  17. this player spawn vehicle script.log 20.08.2013 16:08:15: Alax Babax (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77 - #4 "P1" createVehicleLocal (position player);vehicle player addaction [("<t color=""#a9c8e7"">" + ("Delete") +"</t>"),"dayz_code\"20.08.2013 16:08:15: Alax Babax (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77 - #36 "ess 5, then backspace, then scroll","PLAIN"];waitUntil {commandingMenu == "RscStatus"};"Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicleLoca"20.08.2013 16:08:15: Alax Babax (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77 - #53 "{commandingMenu == "RscStatus"};"Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicleLocal (position player);vehicle player addaction [("<t co"
  18. No you need rebuy the game Cheat on BE server : source : http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  19. This player use ESP hack tW1x (dd6d42db1eb2a1830a40e69d662ded75) I watched 2 weeks (since 01/08/2013) of logs and i see lot of evidences He go directly to a dead body when a player die (evidence on hiveExt.log and Bec.log)He go directly to camp (evidence on hiveExt.log and Bec.log)He go directly to a repaired car hidden by other player include the vehicle hidden out of map (evidence on hiveExt.log and Bec.log)He know who killed his friend on veteran difficulty by a distance of more than 5km (evidence on side chat + HiveExt.log)He know when a vehicle is destructed and don't be on the map (evidence on side chat)strange way to play : always avoid other player, by moving or disconnecting I don't show the logs because it's very big and there are some coordinate of camp / vehicle
  20. Hello I suspect 2 player to use ESP I read all the log (Bec.log , HiveExt.log , Arma.rpt) this 2 players always find the vehicle, logging directly to my camp (find hidden vehicle out of map too) I found nothing usable in Bec.log and hiveExt.log (except the direct move to Vehicle/camp) But i found something really strange in arma.rpt All the player have the lines : STARTING LOGIN ...LOGIN ATTEMPT ...LOGIN LOADED ... LOGIN PUBLISHING ...but this two player have only 1 line : Player UID#XXXXXXXX CID#XXXXXXXX PID#1(XXXXXXXXX) as BanditW1_DZ, logged off at ...How this is possible ? They play during 2-3h one the server after a restart I was on the server before and after restart ? Bug ? Bypass ? script ?
  21. Hello I have a concern on my server no vehicle will respawn, they spawn during the first startup (16/07/2013), some (destroyed) have respawn after few restart but since a week no destroyed vehicle respawn ? (4 Rs / day) the only thing I changed on the server - Reinstalling full due to multiple crash (no more crash since 25/07/2013) - Change "server_onplayerdisconnect" file to avoid the glitch (works) I try to use the functions "fa_hiveMaintenance.hpp" I try to ReReinstall the server I try to desactivate BEC but it does not change the number of vehicle only reduces (currently 16) If anyone has a solution ? thank you
  22. I have "IGNORED" vehicle too in the report file But when i look in HiveExt.log, the OID of vehicle is not destroyed (the line is terminated by a value under 1.0, means it's not destructed ?) I wait some destruction and several restart to check if vehicle spawn correctly
  23. Hello one player connect on my server and get kick by battleye I found this on Gotcha antihack 17:18:10 - RemoteExec Log: #0 KKON.rus (3e936c1d686c23abef850d38e3ba2263) - #0 "allUnits = [];"and this in script.log 04.08.2013 17:19:57: KKON.rus (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 3e936c1d686c23abef850d38e3ba2263 - #66 "playableUnits),(gettext (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> (currentweapon player) >> 'picture')),(gettext (configFile >> 'CfgWeapo"04.08.2013 17:19:57: KKON.rus (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 3e936c1d686c23abef850d38e3ba2263 - #107 "ayer getVariable['USEC_BloodQty', r_player_bloodTotal]))];hintSilent Shadowydbg;sleep 0.1;};}else{shadowydebug = 0;nest"04.08.2013 17:21:24: KKON.rus (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 3e936c1d686c23abef850d38e3ba2263 - #243 "#line 1 "dayz-injector.sqf"execVM "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf";"now a lot of people get kick by battle eye (script restriction #25) what i can do to avoid battle eye kick ? (restart doesn't work) after several restart BE doesn't kick anymore Is this a hack script ?
  24. some one just cash a chopper everybody was kicked... when i was looking script.log i see this : 09.08.2013 08:17:51: Megaherz (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) bccc78979d9c3b0f57acf8fe93e88620 - #172 "", "_newDest", "_rnd", "_lootType", "_index", "_weights"];_campPos = _this select 0;_amount = _this select 1;_doLoiter = tru"I never see this before ?
  25. restart doesn't work i read about this issue on other forum and advise to change script.txt "5" by "1" 1 BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2 !"BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf\";" !"BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\AirDestructionStage2.sqf\";" !"{\n[_this select 1, _this select 2, _this select 3] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2;\n};\ncase \"Burn\": {\n[_this select 1, _this select 2, _this "I do not know if it will result by vulnerability against scripting ?